In the reign of Hurmuzd, Shápúr the son of Kayús died, leaving a son named Báw, who accompanied Khusraw Parwíz in his campaign against the Greeks, and distinguished himself in the war with Bahrám Chúbína, receiving in reward for these services Iṣṭakhr, ´Adharbáyján, 'Iráq and Ṭabaristán as his government. He extended his territories to the north-east so as to include Ḳhurásán, Khwárazm and all Turkistán as far as the Desert of the Tátárs. Shírúya the parricide on his accession destroyed Báw’s house at Ctesiphon (Madá`in), plundered his possessions, degraded him, and interned him at Iṣṭakhr. But Shírúya’s ill-gained power soon ceased with his early death, and he was succeeded by Queen ´Azarmí Dukht, of whom the Prophet said “Woe to that people over which women reign!” (<Arabic>). At this epoch the Prophet was at al-Madína. The nobles of Persia (f. 72b) counselled ´Azarmí Dukht to summon Báw to the Court and place him in command of the army, but he declined to debase himself, as he considered, by serving a woman, and retired to worship in the Fire-temple. Then followed the disastrous reign of Yazdigird the son of Shahriyár, the last Sásánian king, when the Caliph 'Umar sent Sa'd b. Abí Waqqáṣ (whose skill with the bow is still proverbial amongst the Arabs, in the phrase <Arabic>) against the Persians, till he inflicted on them and their general Rustam-i-Farrukhzád the crushing defeat of Qádisiyya, as is described in full in the Sháhnáma and other histories. Then Yazdigird summoned Báw from Iṣṭakhr, restored to him his fiefs, estates and possessions, and retained him in his service, while Ṭabaristán, neglected by its lawful lord, fell into the hands of Gáw-bára.