Two letters from you have passed under our view, and the particulars therein stated are duly perceived. With respect to the war which you two are conducting in conjunction with the three Sipahdârs, (that is to say, Syed Humeed, Syed Ghûfâr, and Shaikh Unser), all of them prudent and intelligent men, our desire is, that acting in concert together, you should pursue the object of chastising the enemy with the utmost vigor and sagacity, and in an effectual and glorious manner: accordingly, we have transmitted strict orders to this effect to the aforesaid Sipahdârs; who will, in consequence, be obedient to you, and co-operate on all occasions with you.
What you say of the scarcity of grain [in your army,] notwithstanding your having a Cutwâl* and [so many] Lumbânehs* with you, has astonished us; you must, therefore, denounce the heaviest threats against the said Cutwal, and make him provide abundance of grain, agreeably to our regulations on this head, to the end that your people may suffer no distress for that article.
By the Divine favor your health* is now re-established, and it is, consequently, no longer proper that you should have a physician attending you, or that you should take any more medicines; let him, therefore, be sent back to Shahnoor.
After chastising the enemy in a signal manner, and driving him to the other side of the Kishna, you will take up a position for the attack of Nergûnd.
Your sending away your baggage is a proceeding in no respect proper: you must keep it with you. Indeed, where is the great quantity of baggage belonging to you, seeing that you have nothing besides tents, pawls, and other such necessary articles?
The cavalry attached to you have been very remiss in skirmishing and marauding, and in having suffered the enemy to flee without making booty of any of their horses, and finally to escape by the pass of Râmdoorg, although they might have taken numberless horses. It is well. You must now give the most peremptory orders to the Risâladârs of cavalry to go forth on separate parties, and exert themselves properly to make prize of the enemy’s horses; the present being a favorable opportunity for getting together a great number of horses. Scouring, likewise, the enemy’s country, they must seize on all the grain, &c. they can discover.
The present letter is somewhat at variance with the thirty-second, on the subject of horses captured from the Mahrattahs; since, from the latter, it would appear, as if some success had attended the Sultan’s army in this respect, whereas he here complains of the enemy’s having been suffered to escape, without “any horses” having been taken from them. It is probable, that the first report of the commanders, on this head, did not descend to particulars; and that, when they subsequently stated the specific number of horses actually taken, the Sultan might have been disappointed at the result; and, under this impression, have been led to under-rate the little that had been done. The great solicitude which he betrays for procuring horses, would, of course, enhance his disappointment on the occasion.