The original intention with which these pages were written was to explain the events that took place under the administration of the several governors, after the conquest of the country by Akbar, and to detail those accidents which led to the ruin of the province, and converted it from a flourishing condition into one of barrenness. Although several learned men of former times have left behind them histories of the Gujarát kings, such as the Táríkhi-Muzaffir Sháhí, subsequently the Hulwa Shírází, the poetical history called Ahmad Sháhí, the Táríkhi Mahmúd Sháhí (so called from Mahmúd Bígarrah), and the Táríkhi Bahádur Sháhí, all of which were written during the reigns of the different kings, yet none of them embrace the general history of the Gujarát dynasty. This may be found in the history named the Mirát Sikandarí, which was composed forty years after the destruction of the Gujarát monarchy; and, as it was necessary to explain and arrange the several occurrences which took place, from the period when the Rájás held dominion to the establishment of the Gujarát kings, a selection of whatever appeared most necessary to be known, regarding each reign, has been made from the last-mentioned work. Whosoever may wish to know their history more at length will find it in the book just mentioned.
The first among the ancestors of the Gujarát kings, who adopted the faith of Islám, was Wají-ul-Mulk. He belonged to the Tank tribe of Rájpúts, which is one of the Kshatriya branches claiming descent from Rámachandra, whom they worship as a god. What is related in other histories of Gujarát, regarding the conversion and appellation of the Tanks and Gohilas, need not be here noticed.
Sultán Mohammed Toghluk Sháh II., who obtained the sovereignty of Dehlí in the year of the Hij. 792, A.D. 1390, hearing of the rebellion and tyrannical administration of Malik Mo*-le/>farrah (otherwise styled Farhatu-l-Mulk Rastí Khán), then forming the country of Gujarát, soon after conferred the title of Azím Humáyún on Zafir Khán, the son of Wají-ul-Mulk; and, granting him permission to use a red canopy, such as peculiarly distinguishes kings, sent him into Gujarát to punish Rastí Khán.
Feb. 7, A.D.
On the 2d of Rabí-ul-awal, in A. Hij. 793()* A.D. 1390-91, Azím Humáyún pitched his tents by the edge of the Howzikhas, at Dehlí; where the Sultán, on the 4th of the same month, coming to take leave of him, adopted his son, Tátár Khán, as one of his own children. Azím Humáyún, after marching several stages, received intelligence of a son being born to Tátár Khán, whom they named Ahmad; and, when he arrived by successive stages at the town of Nagore, was there met by the people from Khambáyat, who complained of being oppressed by Rastí Khán. Azím Humáyún, after giving them every encouragement, marched to the city of Patan, where, having encamped, he forwarded the Sultán's letter, enjoining Rastí Khán to submit; but, no proper answer being returned, the latter advanced to give him battle. In the engagement which took place between them, at the town of Kambhú, a dependancy of the sirkar of Patan, Zafir Khán Azím Humáyún was victorious; and Farhatu-l-Mulk Rastí Khán was slain. Succeeding this, the former returned to Patan, in A. Hij. 794, A.D. 1391-92; where he enforced his authority, by conciliating the cultivators and other subjects. He also founded a town on the spot where the victory took place, naming it Jítpúr; and, continuing to labour in the service of the true God, after having plundered the temple of Somnáth, established the Mohammedan religion in many places. Subsequently, having taken possession of all the cities of Gujarát, he befriended those who had been oppressed by Farhatu-??-Mulk Rastí Khán, so that the chiefs and common people were pleased with him.
On the death of Sultán Mohammed Toghluk II., happening in the year of the Hijra 796, A.D. 1393-94, the affairs of the Dehlí empire were in a state of disturbance. About this time, Tátár Khán, the son of Zafir Khán Azím Humáyún, and prime minister to Nasiru-d-dín Mohammed Sháh, the son of Mohammed Toghluk II., being defeated by Mullú Ikbál Khán, fled to his father in Gujarát.* Intelligence was then also received that Amír Taimúr Kúrkán had encamped in the neighbourhood of Dehlí; and, as the country was in a helpless condition, many people fled from Dehlí and came into Gujarát. Soon after this period, Nasiru-d-dín Mohammed Sháh, having fled from Dehlí, came into Gujarát; but, having nothing to look for in this part, turned towards Málwa.*