To SHUMSÛDDEEN, and others (DÂROGHAS of the TOSHEH-KHÂNEH at SERINGAPATAM); dated from SHÂNOOR, 22d HYDERY. (19th November.)
YOUR humble address, accompanied by a statement of the quantities of gold and silver remaining in the Tosheh-khâneh and mint, together with an account of receipts and balances, has passed under our view. We wrote to you, some time since,* directing you to prepare and keep together, in a separate coffer, the sum of five lacks of rupees, which it was our intention to appropriate to the construction of a canal [or aqueduct] at the holy Nujuf. This money was to consist of such Hyderies, half rupees, and quarter rupees, as were in the treasury or the mint, or might come in with the collections from the country. We now repeat those orders; and also direct that, having placed the money in question in a distinct coffer, you affix a label on the said coffer, containing these words. “In this chest are deposited the rupees composing the Nuzr to “be appropriated to the construction of an aqueduct [from the Euphrates] “to the sepulchre of the holy Ali.” Not a single Dâm [or farthing] of this money is to be expended [for any other purpose than the one which has been indicated].
Notwithstanding these ostensible, and, perhaps, sincerely-meant preparations for executing the pious work alluded to, there is reason to believe, as has been elsewhere stated, that it was never carried into effect.