THE humble address which you sent [to us] has passed under our view; and what you represented therein has been comprehended. Your ac­count of passing occurrences, and of your having written, and dispatched to Europe, all particulars relating to our friendly disposition [towards the French nation], as well as your information regarding the ships of war coming to these parts, are all made known.

You write “whenever the chiefs of the Sircar, selected for the em­bassy to Europe, shall arrive at Pondicherry, M. Cossigny will dispatch “them thither, with all the respect and honor [due to their rank and “station].” It is known. In conformity with the orders which we issued in your presence, and agreeably to what you have written, Ma­hommed Durwaish Khân, Akbar Ali Khân, Mahommed Othman, and other chiefs, charged with letters and presents, have set out [for Pondi­cherry], where they will [in due time] safely arrive. We have no doubt that you will take care that the above mentioned chiefs are properly sup­plied with whatever they may want, payment being made for the same; and that, providing in the best manner for their accommodation, you will convey them in perfect ease and comfort, along with yourself, to Europe.

We have learned by letters from Ghûlâm Ali Khân, Lûtf Ali Khân, Noorûllah Khân, and other Sirdârs [or chiefs] formerly sent [to Eu­rope], of their safe arrival at the port of Bussorah, and of their departure from thence [in prosecution of their journey].

You write, “that during the stormy weather which prevails at sea “[about this time], and which may be expected to continue for two “months longer, ships cannot remain at their [usual] anchorage [on “the coast]; but that M. Cossigny having [some time since], with a “view to this circumstance, given you orders to prepare and bring a “good ship from the Mauritius, you should accordingly arrive from “thence at Pondicherry with one by the first of..........”* It is known: and we assure ourselves, in consequence, that you are by this time arrived at Pondicherry with a good ship.

We observe the desire you have expressed, that we would write to your Râjah in recommendation of M. Cossigny’s confirmation in the govern­ment of Pondicherry; and we have, accordingly, in the letter which we have sent to your Râjah by the Sirdârs of our Sircar, not only made the request suggested by you, but have, moreover, taken that occasion to speak [in due commendation] of the courage and knowledge of business* which distinguish the said Monsieur.

We received the copy which you sent us of M. Cossigny’s letters to Nizâm Ali Khân and to the Mahrattahs, and all the particulars thereof are become known [to us].

You write, “that five thousand soldiers’ musquets will arrive imme­diately, either at Calicut or Mangalore; and that you will bring five “thousand more along with yourself, when you return [to Pondicherry] “from the Mauritius.” It is understood. We have written to the Taalûkdârs of Calicut and Mangalore, directing them to receive the musquets you may send, whenever they arrive, provided you shall have fixed a proper [or just] price upon the same.