The title of Ispahbads is property applied to two different dynasties of Ṭabaristán, the House of Báwand of the author’s own time, and the Qárinwands, or House of Washmgír, who governed Ṭabaristán for nearly 80 years after the Ṭálibí Sayyids. Anyone, says the author, who wishes to appreciate the greatness and splendour of Qábús b. Washmgír, called Abu`l-Ḥasan, should read what is said of him by Abú Manṣúr ath-Tha'álibí and al-'Utbí in their works.* Abu`l-Ḥasan 'Alí b. Muḥammad al-Yazdádí made a compilation of his sayings, which he entitled Qará`inu Shamsi`l-Ma'álí wa Kamálu'l-Balágha, from which the author here cites some 33 lines, praising especially the remarkable eloquence of Qábús in the Arabic language, his courage and skill in manly exercises, and his knowledge of Philosophy, Astronomy and Astrology. An Arabic letter which he wrote to his maternal uncle the Ispahbad Rustam b. Sharwín Báwand on the occasion of a quarrel which arose between them is next cited. (This fills rather more than a page, and brings us to f. 67a, 1. 18). Qábús also composed in Arabic a treatise on the Astrolabe, and submitted it to Abú Isḥáq aṣ-Ṣábí, whose laudatory criticism is cited in full (ff. 67b, 1. 7—68a, 1. 4). Qábús also maintained a regular correspondence with the Ṣáḥib, of which the intermediary was one of his chamberlains named 'Abdu`s-Salám. — Anecdote to illustrate the virtue of Qábús. — His servant Aḥmad Sa'dí, and his minister Abu`l-'Abbás Ghánimí, who was never known to take a bribe, and who was in friendly correspondence with Abú Naṣr al-'Utbi. — Specimens of this correspondence.