After the death of Fíroz Sháh IV., called otherwise Ghiásu-d-dín Toghluk, his cousin, Abúbekr Sháh (who was the son of Zafir Khán, third son of Fíroz III.), was raised to the throne. He was made a prisoner by his uncle, Mohammed Toghluk II., and died, after having reigned one year and six months.
Mohammed Sháh Toghluk II. then obtained the sovereignty; and, as the people of Khambáyat complained against Farhatu-l-Mulk Rastí Khán, and sought for redress, he sent Mohammed Sháh Zafir Khán (son of Wají-ul-Mulk), as governor to Gujarát. Zafir Khán accordingly took his departure, to assume this office, on the 17th of Rabí-ul-awal, A. Hij. 793, (Feb. 21, A.D. 1391;) and his master, the Sultán, falling sick, died in A. Hij. 796, A.D. 1394, after a reign of six years and seven months.