“We are happy in being able to state to the public, that the humane and rational principle for which Mr. Francis has for years contended, in behalf of the natives of India, namely, that the ruling power, let its title to the dominion be what it would, neither was, nor could be, proprietor of the soil, is now established by such direct positive evidence, as it is not in the power of rapacity itself to controvert, though supported as it has been by sophistry, fraud, and falsehood. It is a scandal to the name of Britain that such a question should have been permitted to subsist; but it is now at last decided; and if the pretended representatives of a society of merchants should still continue to grasp the entire rents of the country, in their assumed character of proprietors of the lands, they must do it now by avowed and barefaced violence. All their other titles to plunder India are annihilated by evidence, as they ought to have been long since by reason, policy, and justice. We have taken the following curious document from the Supplement to the Calcutta Gazette, dated the 27th of December, 1792, and we give it to our readers not only as a proof of the learning and benevolence of the excellent author, but of the practical utility of the learning and talents of studious men, when applied, as they have been uniformly by Sir William Jones, to the benefit of mankind.”