It is related by historians, that Jubeh Noyaun and Sowidaie Bahadoor, who were detached on an expedition to Iran, after taking the fort of Kuroon Duj, in which the mother and wives of Sultan Mahummud had sought refuge, marched towards Koom. After the capture of that city, Jubeh Noyaun proceeded to Hamdan and Sowidaie to Kazveen. The chief of Hamdan, Ala-ud-deen Humdani, immediately submitted, made large presents, and received a Moghool governor. Intelligence arrived at this time that a body of the troops of Sultan Mahummud had assembled at Chash, under Beg Togeen and Kookh Booka Khan, and the Moghools immediately marched against them. The troops of Mahummud Khorezm Shah, however, did not wait their arrival, but dispersed, and freed from the fear of a siege plundered and ravaged the surrounding country. The Moghools, therefore, as the winter season had arrived, marched to Moghan, and remained there during the winter. Jumal-ud-deen, Ooviah, and other chiefs, however, in the meantime, raised a disturbance in Irak, and murdered the Moghool governor of Hamdan, and confined Ala-ud-deen in the castle of Kirbeet, because he had surrendered to the Moghools. As soon, therefore, as the spring arrived, Jubeh Noyaun marched to Irak, to revenge the death of his governor; and notwithstanding Jumal-ud-deen Ooviah offered his submission, it was refused; and the whole of Azurbijan Murgheh and Nukcheban, with the exception of Tubreez, was destroyed and laid waste. The Moghools then ordered Atabuk Aurung to submit to their authority, and marched to Iran, where they destroyed the cities of Beelkan Gunja and Burda. They then marched to Shirwan, and demanded from the chief, Shumakhi Ajurkhi, liberty to proceed, by the route of Durbund and the desert of Kupchak, to join Chungeez Khan.
Shumakhi sent ten men of the Ajurkhi tribe to confer with the Moghools, and the latter, to frighten them into obedience and to make them show the road by which they intended to proceed, on their arrival put one of them to death:—the rest of these men, therefore, terrified at the fate of their companion, acted as guides through the Durbund passes; however, as soon as they got through them they were attacked by the Alanians* and Kupchak Tartars. Sowedaie Bahadoor, in these circumstances, despatched a messenger to the Kupchak Tartars, to say, they and the Moghools were brothers, being of the same race, and that the Alans were the enemies of both, and requested them, on the score of relationship, to separate from them; he also sent them presents. The Tartars of Kupchak believing in these professions left the Alans, who were so much weakened by their defection as to be unable to resist, and they were consequently nearly all destroyed. As soon as this was effected, Sowedaie, without any regard for his treaty, or the ties of consanguinity, immediately attacked the Kupchak Tartars, and almost exterminated them; those who escaped, however, sought refuge with the tribe of Aroos* (the Russians), and having been joined by a large force of that nation, they returned and gave battle to the Moghools. The Moghools in this battle, to deceive the Russians and Kupchakians, affected to retreat; but after dividing and fatiguing their enemies by a pursuit of several days, they turned round, suddenly, and gained a complete victory over their opponents; Sowedaie, after this, joined Chungeez Khan, and presented him the spoil they had taken.
After the winter was past, Chungeez Khan received intelligence of the rebellion of Shidurkoon, the chief of Ghasheen and of the tribe of Tungut; and, also, that he was in great force: he accordingly assembled an army, and marched to attack him. Shidurkoon was not backward in meeting him and a bloody battle ensued, in which the Tungut Tartars were defeated, and Shidurkoon fled and sought refuge with a people, called the Irtakians. Kasheen or Ghasheen was, however, taken by Chungeez Khan, with many other cities, after the manner in which he had conquered Khorasan, and the Tongut country was plundered and laid waste.*
When the spring arrived, Chungeez Khan determined to proceed to the countries of Khorche and Tektash, or Tukyas; when he arrived at Khorche the chief of that city readily submitted to his authority and made him many valuable presents. At this time, also, Shidurkoon, who had fled to Artakia, despatched a messenger with presents of immense value to Chungeez Khan, and requested his forgiveness; and stated, that if he were assured of pardon, he would come and make his submission in person. Chungeez Khan having given the requisite assurances, the messenger departed.