To MONSIEUR COSSIGNY; dated 11th ZUBURJUDY. (10th October.)

AT this time, the rulers of Poonah, notwithstanding the innumerable favors [for which they are indebted to us], uniting with the forces of Nizâm Ali Khân, came and confronted our victorious army. With the aid and power of God, we were enabled, in a single assault, to establish our camp on the ground which they had occupied, and to give them a signal defeat. Upon this they took to flight, and we are now engaged in a close pursuit of them.


It is probable, that the action, here alluded to, was brought on by an attempt, on the part of the Mahrattahs, to prevent the junction of Bûrhânûddeen with the army of the Sultan. However this may have been, it seems pretty clear, from the words, “came and confronted our army,” which occur in the foregoing brief notice of this engagement, that the Mahrattahs had advanced to meet the Sultan, in the position which the latter had taken up near Shânoor.

In a letter addressed to the Governor of Madras, under the same date as the preceding one to M. Cossigny, and written on the same occasion, the Sultan affirms, “that his quarrel with the Mahrattahs and the Nizâm had arisen without “any cause:” that is to say, without any provocation on his part. He likewise (speaking of the battle which had recently taken place) observes, “that, actuated “by the hope of being enabled to accommodate matters with the enemy, he “would fain have restrained his troops from attacking them; but that, when two “armies are brought to confront each other, this is a thing absolutely impracti­cable.” The former of these assertions is not, perhaps, entirely destitute of foundation: but it will be difficult to give credit to the latter, on any other suppo­sition, than that of his being anxious to conclude a speedy peace with the Mah­rattahs, in order that he might be the sooner in a condition to make war upon the English. This suggestion, indeed, derives considerable support from the follow­ing passage of a letter written by the Sultan, soon after settling his differences with the enemy.

“In the end, by the divine power and strength, and through the aid of the “firm faith of Mahommed, joined to the auspicious intercessions of the sages [of “our holy religion], the enemy, after sustaining repeated defeats, and being “driven to the banks of the Kishna, implored peace of us, in the most earnest and “humble manner. Upon this, having in view the ease and security of mankind, “I granted them such terms as were agreeable to me: and now my fixed determi­nation is, to proceed to the chastisement and extermination of those, who pro­hibit the calling to prayer [from the Minarets], and who are the most inveterate “of Infidels. It is on the utter extirpation of these that my mind is now intent. “Such being the case, do you, reverend Sir, employ yourself in prayer for the “success of the champions of the faith, and the destruction of the wicked un­believers; to the end that the Mahommedan religion may flourish.”

The following letter, though dated nearly a month later than the foregoing one to M. Cossigny, is inserted here (and consequently out of its proper place), be­cause it contains a more particular account of the engagement in question, and of its immediate consequences, than that given in the dispatch to the French governor. It was addressed, mutatis mutandis, to Mahommed Baig Khân Humdâny, and several others, to whom he thought it fit to announce his recent successes; among which number was the Emperor Shâh Allum. It bears date the 9th Hydery, or 6th of November 1786, and is to the following effect.