BY the favor of the Divine Aider, what you related respecting Roopa is about to take place. Almighty God has always governed, and will continue to govern, the seven climates* of the earth, by the hands of his own [true] worshippers. The Nuzr of five rupees, which you sent on occasion of the aforementioned omen, has been received.
Tippoo Sultan is well known to have been extremely superstitious, and to have placed great faith in dreams and omens; and Syed Mahommed was, probably, no less prone to believe in them than his master. The omen here alluded to was, of course, an auspicious one; and, accordingly, the prognostic, whatever it was, would be supposed to have been in part fulfilled, by the victory which had been obtained over the Mahrattahs, only a few days before the date of the present letter,* and of which we shall soon have occasion to take more particular notice.