[THIS is a general history of considerable length, written by Saiyid Mufazzal Khán. It begins with the Creation, and comes down to 1077 A.H. (1666 A.D.), the tenth year of the reign of Aurangzeb. A copy of the Table of Contents from another MS. brings the work down to the time of Farrukh Siyar. The work is divided into seven makálas or sections, the sixth and seventh of which are devoted to India. In the account of Násiru-d dín Kubácha it gives an epitome of the Chach-náma, which was translated into Persian under his patronage.* It is an extensive work of nearly a thousand pages, seventeen lines to the page. The following Extracts, apparently translated by a munshí, have been revised by Sir H. M. Elliot.]