YOUR letter, reporting the sickness of Meer Kumrûddeen Ali Khân, and containing an application for two Yoonâny (or Greek) physicians,* and some Telingy doctors, to attend him, has been received, and is understood. Let the said Khân be attended by the physician Kishna Pundit, who is with you; and write to Abdûl Hukeem Khân,* to desire he will send a doctor from thence.* These two, being appointed to administer to the said Khân, must be so strictly enjoined on the occasion, that his restoration to health may speedily be effected.*
Enclosed is an order to the Kilaadâr of Dhârwâr, where there are a number of gun-bullocks, directing him to dispatch them to you: you will, accordingly, send for them, and, on their arrival, select such as are stout and young, and most fit for the draught of artillery, and deliver them over to the Sipahdâr, Syed Ghûfâr.