He ascends the throne, confirming to all the nobles their estates
and titles. — An attempt is made to assassinate the King, which
is frustrated. — The Prince Ahmud Ghoory creates an insurrection.
— Ahmud Shah of Guzerat espouses his cause, as well as that
of the princes Musaood and Oomr, sons of the late King. — The
princes Ahmud and Musaood are cut off by poison, and Oomr
is taken prisoner and beheaded. — Pestilence rages in the
Guzerat army, which is obliged to retreat. — Sooltan Mah-
AMONG the several Indian histories, but particularly in the Tareekh Alfy of Moolla Ahmud, we find it related, that the dynasty of the Ghoory family became extinct with Ghizny Khan; and
Shuval 29.
A. H. 839.
May 16.
A. D. 1435.
that on Monday the 29th of Shuval, in
the year 839, Mahmood Khan, assuming
the title of Sooltan Mahmood Khiljy,
ascended the throne, in the thirty-fourth
year of his age, and was crowned in Mando with
the royal tiara of Sooltan Hooshung. At the same
time public prayers were read, and coin was struck
in his name; after which, having sent for the
officers of the court, and presenting them with
robes of honour, he confirmed the grants of the
estates and offices which they held under the late
king. To some he gave additional titles; among
whom was Musheer-ool-Moolk, who received the
title of Nizam-ool-Moolk, and was appointed one
of his ministers. Mullik Burkhoordar was nominated
chief usher, with the title of Taj Khan.
In addition to the titles of his father, Mullik Mog-
Sooltan Mahmood, during his whole reign, gave
great encouragement to learned men, and founded
several colleges in different parts of the kingdom
for the promotion of literature, so that the philosophers
and mowlanas in Malwa bore a fair comparison
with those of Shiraz and Samarkand. After reorganising
the affairs of his government, and having
appointed the officers to their respective stations,
some of those of Sooltan Hooshung's reign still
remained unprovided for, who formed a project to
seize the King. And in consequence one night,
in pursuance of their plan, Mullik Kootb-ood-Deen
Sumnany and Nuseer-ood-Deen Joorjany, with some
others, having placed ladders so as to escalade a
musjid which commanded Sooltan Mahmood's
palace, descended into the court-yard. During this
operation, the King hearing a noise, and suspecting
treason, came out fully accoutred with his sword,
and bow and quiver, and proceeded direct to the spot
where the confederates had assembled. He instantly
attacked them without hesitation, and wounded
many with his own hand; and being soon after
joined by Nizam-ool-Moolk and Mullik Mahomed
Khizr with the guards, the traitors made their
escape, with the exception of one, who being unable
to go down the ladder, threw himself off
the musjid, and broke his leg. He was, in consequence,
taken the next morning. This person
discovered the names of all the conspirators, who
being seized were punished. But Azim Hoomay-
The Prince Ahmud Ghoory, son of Sooltan Hooshung, received the estate of Islamabad.
Mullik Yoosoof, entitled Kowam Khan, had Bhilsa.
Mullik Itihad, Hooshungabad; and
Mullik Nuseer-ood-Deen, entitled Noosrut Khan, Chundery.
The Prince Ahmud, taking advantage of his
situation, very soon collected a force at Islam-