My plan of proceeding from my cantonment, at Makhān, towards Maveral­naher and Khurasān, was this: my spies having brought me intelligence, a second time, that all the chiefs of Maveralnaher were very negligent and inat­tentive to my proceedings, but that they still retained numerous followers; I therefore took a review of my troops, and found that they did not exceed one thousand horse, and in an auspicious hour sought in the Korān for an omen, this verse opened, “God is all sufficient for those who place their faith on him.” As I ever placed my confidence on the Almighty, I committed my son Jehangyr to to his protection, and having appointed Mubarik Sunjury to be his preceptor, left them at Makhān: I marched to the banks of the Jihūn, and when all my followers had joined, I crossed the river in the night, and having left the high road on the left, I halted in the fields of canes near the river: I remained con­cealed there during that day, and deliberated whether I should, by a forced march, endeavour to surprise the city of Bokharā, and then proceed towards Samerkund, or whether I should first attack the different chiefs of Maveralnaher, and subdue them, before they could form a junction with each other; and having thus cleared the country of them, then take possession of one of these cities, as the seat of my government.

At this time, I was informed that Amyr Musā was encamped in the neighbour­hood of Kārshy, I therefore consulted the Korān whether I should attack him, or Hindū Shāh first; this verse opened, “the fire of Moses was like lightning;” I took this for an auspicious omen, and remained in the lanes by the side of the river the whole day in ambuscade. When night came on, I made a forced march against the army of Amyr Musā, and having taken him by surprise, I I took two of his generals prisoners, and dispersed all his soldiers.

It happened that in the town of Kārshy, there were some merchants from Bokharā, whom my people seized, and brought to me, with all their camels and goods; but I immediately ordered Shykh Aly Behader to escort them with all their merchandize, to a place of safety, which raised my fame through the country.

When information of my having defeated the army of Amyr Musā, reached the other chiefs, they immediately assembled, and with the troops that I had dispersed, amounting in all to five thousand horse, took possession of a strong post called Kūzy. It therefore appeared to me advisable to make a sudden attack on them before they should learn the small number of my forces, or be aware of my intention. In consequence of this determination, I formed my small army into seven divisions, six of which I gave in charge to several officers, and took post myself with the seventh. At this time, news arrived that the enemy having arranged their troops, were advancing. I immediately mounted and drew up my army, and called out to the chiefs, “before we shall have made the seven attacks, our adversaries will be annihilated;” and it turned out exactly as I said.

In a short period, the enemy’s army made its appearance in the plain of Kūzy, and I soon learned that Hindū Shāh commanded their advanced line. I imme­diately advanced with my staff officers, and took the command of our advanced division; I then examined, with the eye of experience, the mode of attack and retreat, and I observed that the enemy’s divisions were much separated; but at this moment, Aly Khān Behader, who commanded the right wing of my first line, being terrified by the appearance of the foe, ran away; I instantly ordered Amyr Jakū, who had the command of the left wing of the first line, to charge, and the right wing of the second line to advance, and take up the ground in the first line: during this manœuvre, Amyr Jakū having defeated his opponents, had a fall from his horse, and was for a short time bewildered, but he again mounted and halted; as soon as I heard of the accident, I sent him some (Mumia) medi­cine, which I had about me, and he recovered.

At this time, the right wing of the enemy made a violent charge, on which I called out to my left wing, to do the same, and spurring on my horse, charged in person. We were warmly engaged from breakfast time, till noon-day prayer; but when the sun became vertical, the enemy gave way, and dispersed; at that moment I had alighted on the field of battle, and was saying my prayers, to which I then added my thanks for the victory.

My warriors pursued the enemy as far as Chekdalyk, and having taken a num­ber of their chiefs and officers, brought them as prisoners to me. Among the prisoners that were brought in was, Aljaytū Sultān, governor of Talkhān; when brought into my presence, I was doubtful whether I should give orders for kill­ing him or not; but as soon as his sight fell on me, he said, “O Commander, I have been grateful for the salt I have eaten of my master, and I have bravely fought against his enemy, you may either slay me, or liberate me.”

(Here follows a Tūrkish verse.)

I said to my nobles, “he speaks the truth, he has been a loyal subject, for I have frequently endeavoured to entice him into my service, his constant reply has been, ‘as long as I can eat the salt of Amyr Hussyn, I will not turn my face towards any other person:’” the prisoner then said, “if I shall ever eat of your salt, I will devote my life in exchange for it.” As I felt inclined to favour him, some of the persons present said, “there is no reliance to be placed on this man;” I replied, “there is no doubt of his manliness, he may lose his head, but his promise will endure; if he once eats my salt, I am convinced he will prove as faithful to me, as he has shewn himself to Amyr Hussyn; in retaining him in my service, there are several advantages, and in killing him, several disadvantages, of his present or future worth, you are no judges; I, at all events, shall gain his father, whom I have respected for thirty years, and I shall obtain the present services of this young man;” I therefore encouraged him, and released him: he ever afterwards attended my stirrup, fought many battles with me; and at the time when Shāh Munsūr attacked me in person, he protected and saved me; upon that event, I said to my nobles, “one should endeavour to know the worth and value of a man, whether friend or foe;” they assented, bent their knees, and prayed for my prosperity.

As soon as the army of Amyr Hussyn had fled, and repassed the straits of Checkichec, I called a council of all my chiefs, and proposed that we should pursue and annihilate the remainder of the enemy, at the head of whom, was Khizer Behader, but who had shut himself up in the city of Samerkund. In consequence of this determination, we marched to Kesh, of which place I ap­pointed Tughy Shāh, governor, and Turmajūk to be collector of the district, and realize the revenue due to government; I then proceeded with my victorious army toward Samerkund.

When we arrived near Samerkund, I encamped in the vicinity of the city, and sent a summons to the governor, Khizer Behader, offering him the choice of my favour, or my revenge; he wrote me this answer, “if I should come over to your “highness, the salt and kindness of Amyr Hussyn would seize me, and the world “would call me an ungrateful wretch, and a scoundrel, for being guilty of trea“chery in giving up a place confided to me by a Muselmān;* such conduct is “inconsistent with the duties of a person professing the Muhammedan religion, “if I should be base enough to commit this act of villainy, neither your High­“ness nor your officers would ever place any confidence or reliance on me; if I “shall be killed bravely doing my duty, it will be better in every respect than “to be guilty of dishonesty.” I praised him for his fidelity, but drew out my army, and advanced close to the city, and my warriors were about to attack it, when the governor attempted to make his escape; Ak Timūr Behader met him near the gate, and seized him by the belt of his quiver, but the belt broke, and the governor with difficulty again got inside the gate, and saved himself. Ak Behader brought the quiver to me, as a proof of his zeal, in recompense for which, I promoted him; I then drew off from the town, and encamped at the village of Retin, from thence I marched to the village of Shāh Rūkh, where the water and air was very good, and rested there for some time.

At this place, I obtained intelligence that Amyr Hussyn had detached Aljaytū Bughā with an army to relieve Samerkund, and that they were approaching: I also received a letter from Tughy Shāh, my governor of Kesh, stating that, a party of the enemy had suddenly entered the district, and had seized my col­lector Termajūk.

On receipt of this bad news, I was much dispirited, and formed to myself three plans; 1st. That I should turn Cossack, and never pass twenty-four hours in one place, and plunder all that came to hand. 2nd. That I should make a forced march to meet Amyr Hussyn, surprise his camp, and annihilate his army. 3rd. That I should leave the country, and proceed to Khujend; being still undecided, I placed my foot in the stirrup, and having crossed the river Yam, I encamped on its bank.

At this time, my whole force consisted of one thousand horse; when I men­tioned the three plans to my chiefs, they all agreed that the one of retreating to Khujend, was the best; we then quitted the river Yam, and after three or four marches, reached the bank of the Khujend, (Sihūn) where we encamped.

At this place, I received letters from Ky Khuserū and Behram Jelayr, who were formerly in my service, but who had quitted it for that of Amyr Hussyn, stating, that being in danger of their lives from Hussyn, they had therefore deserted in the night, and had taken refuge at Khānchyn; they further repre­sented that the Amyr had killed their brothers, and plundered their tribes, in revenge for which, they had collected seven thousand horse, and were waiting at Tashkund, ready to join me whenever I should order them.*

In consequence of this intelligence, I resolved to march to Tashkund; when I reached that country, Ky Khuserū being delighted, advanced to meet me; he carried me to his own residence, and made a great feast on the occasion. As the Emperor Tugleck Timūr Khān had given his daughter in marriage to Ky Khuserū, by whom he had a daughter, now arrived at the age of puberty; we agreed to betroth her to my eldest son Jehangyr, to which measure, Behram Jelayr, who was her relation, also gave his consent. In consequence of this ceremony, I passed a whole month in luxury and every delight at Tashkund. It must be explained that this Behram Jelayr had been brought up by me, that I had promoted him, that he became proud, but being reduced to low circum­stances, had asked my pardon; in consequence of which, I forgave and restored him to his former rank, and afterwards further promoted him.