THE least of the slaves of the court represents at the petitioning place of those who stand at the foot of your imperial throne, that the world-subjecting, and sun-resplendent command issued forth in the name of this devoted servant, to detach five hundred horsemen from amongst my own people for the business of Kandahar with Bakir Khan; that they may attend him in it. Kibleh of the world hail! Having, agreeable to your royal orders, picked out from amongst our brethren the number of five hundred horsemen, manly fellows, I have sent them with horses and fresh accoutrements along with the said Khan; that as far as possible they may not be deficient in duty and attachment. And for the support and pay of that body I have consigned two Pergunnehs in the Soobah of Multan, belonging to your slaves Jageer; that they may always be receiving something from it; so that being satisfied, they may be attentive to the appointed service. It was necessary to represent. Be the shade of prosperity and fortune eternal!