Patronises literature. — Mahomed Bhyleem makes conquests in
India — aspires at independence — is defeated by the King,
and he and his ten sons are killed. — Sooltan Beiram seizes
and puts to death his son-in-law, Kootb-ood-Deen Ghoory. —
Seif-ood-Deen Soor, the brother of Kootb-ood-Deen, revenges
his death — marches to Ghizny, which is evacuated by Beiram.
— The King returns to his capital. — The inhabitants of
Ghizny betray Seif-ood-Deen into the hands of Beiram, by
whom he is put to death with great ignominy. — Alla-ood-
SOOLTAN BEIRAM, the son of Musaood, was
blessed with a noble and generous disposition.
Having an uncommon thirst for knowledge, he was
a great promoter of literature, and proved himself
a liberal patron of learned men. Many of these
resorted to his court, particularly Sheikh Nizamy,
the author of the Mukhzun-asrar, dedicated to that
monarch, and Syud Hussun Ghiznevy, both of them
poets, and philosophers of great fame. Several
works were, by his order, translated from various
languages into the Persian tongue; among which
was an Indian book, called the Kuleel-oo-Dumna.
This work was sent formerly, before the dissolution
of the Hindoo empire of India, by the king of
that country, accompanied with a chess-board, to
Nowsherwan, King of Persia, surnamed the Just,
when it was rendered into the Pihlvy tongue by Boo-
The Kuleel-oo-Dumna, translated into Pihlvy
from Sanscrit, in the reign of Nowsherwan, was
rendered into Arabic, by Ibn-ool-Mukba, in the
reign of Haroon-ool-Rusheed, and in the reign of
Sooltan Beiram Ghiznevy it was converted into
Persian from the Arabic, and subsequently, in the
reign of Sooltan Hoossein Mirza Khwaruzmy,
Moolla Hussun Waiz Kashfy rendered the old
Persian work, full of Arabic words, and of Arabic
poetry, into plain and elegant Persian, to which he
gave the name of Anwar Soheily. Beiram, in the
days of his prosperity, went twice into Hindoos-
Rumzan 27.
A. H. 512.
Dec. 5.
A. D. 1118.
taken him prisoner, on the 27th of
Rumzan, in the year 512, he pardoned
him, upon his swearing allegiance.
The King then reinstated him in the
government, and returned to Ghizny. In the
mean time, Mahomed Bhyleem built the fort of
Nagore, in the province of Sewalik, whither he conveyed
his wealth, his family, and his effects. He
then raised an army, composed of Arabs, Persians,
Afghans, and Khiljies, and committed great devastations
in the territories of the Indian independent
princes with such success, that he aspired at length
to the throne. Sooltan Beiram, apprised of his
motions, collected an army, and marched a second
time towards Hindoostan. Mahomed Bhyleem
with his ten sons, who had each the command
of a province, advanced to oppose the King as
far as Mooltan. A battle ensued; but the curse
of ingratitude fell like a storm on the head of the
perfidious rebel, who, in his flight, with his ten sons
and attendants, sank into a deep quagmire, wherein
they all perished. The King after this victory
having appointed Salar Hussun, the son of Ibrahim
Alvy, to the chief command of the conquered part
of India, returned himself to Ghizny. He soon
after publicly executed Kootb-ood-Deen Mahomed
Ghoory Afghan, to whom he had given his daughter
in marriage. Seif-ood-Deen-Soory, Prince of Ghoor,
brother of the deceased, raised a great army to
revenge his death, with which he marched direct
to Ghizny, which was evacuated by Beiram, who
fled to Kirman. This is not the Kirman of Persia,
so well known, but a town lying between Ghizny
and India, which had been built by the Afghans
to guard a pass in the mountains. Seif-ood-Deen
Ghoory, without further opposition, entered Ghizny,
where, having established himself with the consent
of the people, he sent his brother, Alla-ood-Deen
Soor, to rule his native principality of Ghoor.
Notwithstanding his endeavours he failed in rendering
himself popular at Ghizny; and the inhabitants
conceiving a dislike to his government,
secretly wished the re-establishment of their former
king. Some of the chiefs, availing themselves of
this favourable circumstance, informed Beiram of
their disposition towards him. It was now winter,
and most of the followers of the Prince of Ghoor
had returned to their families, when Sooltan Beiram
unexpectedly appeared before Ghizny with a considerable
army. Seif-ood-Deen being in no condition
to oppose him with his own troops, and
placing little reliance on those of Ghizny, was
preparing to retreat to Ghoor, when the Ghizne-
When this news reached the ears of his brother
Alla-ood-Deen, he burnt with fury, and having
determined to take bitter revenge, invaded
Ghizny. Beiram, hearing of his approach, prepared
to receive him. He wrote him a letter, at
the same time endeavouring to intimidate him,
by vaunting of the superiority of his troops, and
advising him not to plunge the whole family of
Ghoor into the same abyss of misfortune. Alla-
Beiram fled with the scattered remains of his
A. H. 547.
A. D. 1152.
army towards Hindoostan, but overwhelmed with his misfortunes, sunk under the hand of death, in the year 547, after a reign of 35 years.