Part: As the whole work is divided into four parts and further subdivided into 25 chapters, at the beginning of the Table of Contents of each part, its number and general heading are given.
Chapter: There is a double numeration of the chapters, firstly, the number of the chapter in each part and, secondly, the corresponding equivalent number of the chapter in the entire work. (See also, above, p. 131, Key to the Comparative Index).
Heading: A list of the hundred chapter-headings is given in the original (see above, pp. 127—30) and in an abbreviated form (see above, pp. 132—5), but in most cases the author enlarges these headings at the actual commencement of the chapters; therefore, duly observing uniformity with the headings in the Comparative Index, these are translated in full.
A.-G.; Serial (see above, Key to the Comparative Index).
Titles of the Anecdotes: In order to bring out the main purport of every anecdote in its proper historical connection, and also keeping in view the subject-wise arrangement of the author, which is very loose and arbitrary, a suitable, descriptive and synoptical title is given to each anecdote; and for the sake of clearness, brevity and elegance had to be sacrificed. In most cases proper names are verified and corrected, dates are supplied, short remarks about sources and events are added and comparative references are given in brackets; so that this Table might serve as a tentative historical and biographical index to the whole of the Jawámi‘.
For abbreviations used in this Table and elsewhere, see the List of Abbreviations given below.