YOU write, “that Poonia [or Pootia], the Serishtedâr of that place “[i. e. Nâgmungul] is an unfaithful person,* and that the Ryots, owing “to him [i. e. to his mal-practices], will [assuredly] turn their faces to “flight [or abandon the country].” It is known. Whatsoever you have to write [on this subject], let it be written to the Dewân of the mansion of sovereignty, Putn.
It must not be inferred from this letter, that the affair to which it relates was intended by the writer to be referred to the decision of the Dewân. The Sultan was far from being in the habit of delegating his authority on such occasions: nor does he, in general, appear to have had any objections to being addressed directly on matters of business. On the contrary, he seems to have encouraged this practice, which was calculated to operate as a check upon his official servants. His object in the present instance was, probably, to obtain fuller information, preparatory to the enunciation of his pleasure on the subject.
It is not certain who was meant by the Dewân of Seringapatam; but I am inclined to think that the designation could apply only to Meer Sâdik.