YOUR devoted slave Sikunder, having performed the ceremonies of the prostration and the dependancy of slavery, sendeth health to the Kibleh of this world and the next, at the petitioning place of the servants of your heavenly palace. I became dignified and elevated with the honor of the auspicious contents of the illustrious mandate that was issued in the name of this meanest of your slaves, on the subject of repairing the fort of Rajore; and having instantly despatched a person to different places to bring masons and materials of stone and lime &c. please God, as far as possible, I shall be guilty of no ne glect in compleating the buildings of the said fort. As expert stone-cutters are not to be had in this district, I am hopeful that your sacred orders will be issued to your royal Diwans, that they may detach some good expert stone-cutters from the presence; that the work may not be stopt. It was necessary, and I have represented it. Be the sun of prosperity and fortune blazing!