To BÛRHÂNÛDDEEN; dated 4th WÂSAAEY. (3d September.)

YOUR humble address has passed under our view, and the account [therein given] of the enemy’s force, and of the issue of two months’ pay to the Jyshe troops stationed [in garrison] at Nergûnd, from the produce of the collections of that place, is understood.*

You write, also, “that in addition to the month’s pay already issued “to the above mentioned troops, you have since* sent orders to the “Kilaadâr of Nergûnd to give them another month’s pay, and [at the “same time] have desired a small advance to be made to the Ehshâm “troops: but as the latter belong [properly] to Nugr, you suggest to “us, that Budrûz Zumân Khân should be directed to transmit the “pay of these people to them.”

It is known. Nugr and Nergûnd are one and the same.* Let the troops of the Ehshâm be paid out of the collections made from the districts depending on Nergûnd, in the same manner as the Jyshe have been paid.

Our special retinue has passed the Tungbuddra, and will shortly shed lustre on that quarter.