YOU write, “that Moosa Khân, Risâladâr of Jyshe, and Abdûl “Ruheem, Kilaadâr of Soândeh, who were dispatched, for the purpose “of chastising the insurgents* of Soopah, had seized upon a place in “the possession of the latter, who had [thereupon] taken to flight.”
It is known. Ten years ago, from ten to fifteen thousand men were hung upon the trees of that district; since which time the aforesaid trees have been waiting for [or been in expectation of] more men. You must [therefore] hang upon trees all such of the inhabitants of that district, as have taken a lead in [or been at the bottom of] these rebellious proceedings.
The dreadful executions, here spoken of with so much levity by the Sultan, must refer to the time of his father, in the year 1776: but if the latter was actually guilty of the cruelty indirectly imputed to him by his son, it is more than any of his biographers (at least to my knowledge) have recorded of him. It must, however, be allowed, that it would not be easy to assign any satisfactory reason for Tippoo’s purposely exaggerating the fact in question.