When Abdul-Malik-Ibn-Nuh and Fáík arrived, after that defeat at Bukhárá, and Bektuzún formed a union with them, and the opposing armies became united, then the dream of recovery, and the hope of renewed success, and the desire of prosperity, again obtained the mastery over their minds, and they again began to entertain thoughts of renewing the quarrel and recommencing the fight; but, in the midst of this affair, Fáík, who was the upper packet in the matter, and the fringe of the garment, and the column of the whole building, succumbed to death, and thereby all their secret intentions were frustrated, and various indications of weakness and imbecility became visible in their counsels. And Ilek-Khán came to Bukhárá, and, for the purpose of plotting and deceiving, pretended to display friendship and attachment to Abdul-Malik, and said, “In adversity we make ill-will disappear. Although, in former times, the uprisings of these demons have succeeded, to a certain degree, in injuring the bands of affection and destroying the basis of intimacy, and hence some disagreeable events have arisen. ‘Truly he hath eaten his brother’s meat and hath not invited him to eat of it.’ On account of my kindred to this house and on account of the establishment of causes for friendship I feel it incumbent upon me to guard the safety of this royal dynasty, and to experience anger and indignation on account of the entrance of misfortune upon the plains of this province. And since foreigners* have now entered the province, and are stretching forth the neck of desire over the ancient house and inherited throne of the family of Saman, it is incumbent upon me to repulse such an attack, and to oppose it is one of the necessary duties of my allegiance.” They bought up these blandishments and became fascinated with his gilded words, and infatuating actions. And Begtuzún and Yanaltagín, and other generals and nobles, proceeded to meet him, and whilst they were sitting confidently he seized and bound them all, and gave up all their wealth, and beasts of burden, and furniture, to plunder. And Abdul-Malik, through his anguish, on account of this stratagem, and his vexation at this sudden event became distracted, and possessed no resource, except to take flight and to hang his hand in the lap of trouble. And Ilek-Khan, upon Saturday, in the month Zil-Kaadat, in the year 389, arrived at Bukhárá and alighted at the government residence, and sent out spies who were charged to deliver Abdul-Malik into his hands. And he took him and sent him to Urgand, and he was kept guarded at that place; and thus the flame of the grandeur of the family of Sámán, at one blow, became lowered and their affairs approached destruction. “The foregoing ordinance of God is fulfilled in those who are destitute, nor can any change be found in that which God ordains.”