One way of revelation is by means of a true dream, as chroniclers relate that true visions constitute one of the forty-six parts of prophecy. There is a tradition of A’aishah that she said: ‘The first thing that impels the apostle of Allah is a true vision.’ Another way was that Jebrâil appeared to him in his own form, without changing it, and thus communicated the Divine message. Another manner was that Jebrâil appeared to his lordship in human shape and recited to him the verses of the Qurân with the words of the Lord. Another was that Jebrâil inspired his blessed heart with secret matters, although his lordship did not see him, and Allah the Most High has said: ‘The Faithful Spirit has inspired thy heart therewith, that ye both may be preachers.’ At other times his sacred and prophetic lordship—u. w. b.—obtained revelations sounding like bells,* and this manner was the strongest and most difficult, so that if he happened on such occasions to be mounted on a camel, both its fore-feet bent themselves.* A’aishah says that when a revelation descended upon his lordship during severe cold weather, she had, nevertheless, on account of the great pains he felt, seen the perspiration dripping from his blessed forehead. It is related that one day, when the lord of apostleship—u. w. b. —was sitting in the area before the Ka’bah, O’thmân Bin Mutta’vum arrived, and accosted him with much civility. His lordship invited him to take a seat, which he did; but suddenly the lord of apostleship lifted his blessed eyes to heaven, then looked down to the ground, as well as on his right side. He appeared to O’thmân in the attitude of one who is being taught. He pointed to his own head, and some time afterwards again looked at the sky; then again glanced at O’thmân, who further relates: ‘I said: “O apostle of Allah, I have never seen thee in the state I behold thee this day.” He replied that a messenger had arrived from his majesty the Lord of both worlds, and had brought him a message; and on my asking what it was, he exclaimed: “Verily Allah commands you to act justly and kindly, to cherish your relatives, to abstain from profligacy, from iniquity, and from cheating each other; perchance you will remember.”* From that time faith again took possession of my heart, and love for the apostle —u. w. b.—overpowered my soul.’
It is related that Zu-n-nûrin* said: ‘I was one day sitting near the apostle of Allah; his lordship had placed both his knees upon mine and recited the blessed verse, “Shall those who remain sitting be equal with the believers?”* which I wrote down. On that occasion the blind woman, Omm Maktûm, entered and said: “O apostle of Allah, if I do not, because I cannot, go to war, I must be excused.” Hereon immediately the words “Except those who are afflicted” were revealed.’ O’thmân said also: ‘By the descent of the load of the revelation the blessed body of his lordship became so heavy that I feared my thighs would break.’ Let it not remain hidden that such phenomena manifested themselves when the revelation was communicated according to the fifth manner.