Defeat of the Prince Kamran, and the death of his counsellor Caraja Khan. A. H. 958.—A. D. 1551-2.

The army of Kamran was drawn up on a high hill; but his Majesty having ordered his matchlock­men to open a fire on them, the scoundrel (cara­bukht) Caraja made a charge with his cavalry on our left wing, and threw them into disorder; he again charged our right wing, when by the decree “of the Almighty, the disposer of all events,” a ball struck him, and he fell lifeless on the plain: some of our soldiers seeing the wretch fall, immediately galloped up, cut off his head, and brought it to the king, who said, “it should be hung on the gate of Kabul, to make good the words of the traitor.” Soon after this the Prince Kamran fled in great dismay, and was pursued by the Prince Hindal. The Myrza Ibrahim was ordered immediately to proceed to Kabul, and Myrza Soliman to remain with his Majesty; but the king marched the next day, and on the second day again entered Kabul in triumph. But previous to the king’s entering the fortress, he was met by the young Prince Akber; his Majesty embraced the child, kissed his forehead and eyebrows, returned thanks to the Almighty for his favour, and, in fact, renewed the meeting of the Patriarch Jacob and his son Joseph.

After a short time intelligence was brought that the Prince Kamran was still loitering between Kabul and the river Sind; his Majesty, therefore, marched in that direction; but when he arrived at Chekry was informed that the Prince had taken refuge with the Afghan chief, Muhammed Khelyl; he, therefore, resolved to push on to the territory of that chief. On arriving at a place called Cheperha, fearing the night attacks of the Afghans, he gave orders to erect a redoubt, in order to defend the army against any sudden attack: having fixed on a spot for the fort, the people were employed in erecting it.

During this interval, while the king and his brother Hindal were returning to the camp, three deer passed by them, one of which was shot by Abu al Mualy, the second escaped, but the Prince trans­fixed with an arrow the third; it fell on its side, raised its large eyes to heaven, and expired: the attendants were astonished at its motions, and said, “this antelope appears to have laid its complaint before the redresser af all wrongs, may it turn out well!” the Prince then proceeded and joind his Majesty.

The following night the Prince Kamran induced the Afghans to make an attack upon our camp: the king was in the redoubt; but the Prince Hindal was actually going the rounds of the camp, and keeping the people on the alert, when the assault commenced: having no other arms but the very bow and arrow with which he had shot the antelope, he opposed the enemy; but in the furious onset of the Afghans he was soon cut down, and thus became a martyr in defence of his Majesty.

The Afghans were, however, repelled; but when the affair was over, and his Majesty enquired for his brother Hindal, no person had the courage to reply. He then mounted the highest place of the ground, and called out the name of his brother; but, although surrounded by at least three hundred persons, no one answered. He then ordered Abdal Vehab to go and search for the Prince; the messen­ger went; but when returning was shot by one of our matchlock men, who took him for an Afghan; thus by mistake he was also added to the number of martyrs. After that Abdal Hy was sent, and brought back the melancholy intelligence.

On hearing it the king instantly retreated to his tent, where he was overwhelmed with grief, but the chiefs endeavoured to console him, by saying that the Prince was blessed and happy in having thus fallen a martyr in the service of his Majesty, for whose long life they joined in offering up their anxious prayers. From this place we marched, and took post in the fort of Bysut, but the Afghans surrounded us on all sides; and whenever they caught hold of any of the Moghuls, plundered and put them to death; they even reproached us for not coming out to fight them.