I MUST now commemorate the number of grandees who were on a friendly footing with me, who died either shortly before the siege of Isphahan, or during that calamity. One of them was the learned Mawla, Mirza Abd Allah, commonly called Efendi. He was skilled in the usual sciences, and was very much followed. Having built a college near his own mansion in Isphahan, he employed himself in teaching, and had his fortune made.* He had been in Constantinople, and the learned men of that place had become acquainted with his gift of knowledge. According to their usage, they bestowed on him the title of Efendi, by which he was ever after known. In regard to me his kindness was complete. He departed from life a short time before the disturbance in Isphahan.
Another was the excellent Seyyid, Mir Mohammed Sâlih, Sheikh Al Islâm, a native of the capital. His knowledge comprehended the whole circle of legal sciences, and he passed through life honoured and respected. His decease took place before the revolution. Some of his children, also, were adorned with the jewels of knowledge and virtue, and were united in friendship with me. They died about the time of writing this.
Another was the learned Seyyid, Mir Mohammed Bâkir, son and successor of Mir Ismail Hoseini Isphahani. He was one of the most famous doctors, and in the reign of the late Soltân held high rank and dignity. The management of the classes in the royal college was committed to his charge, and he employed himself in teaching. His death happened a little before the distressing occurrence at Isphahan.
Another, a pillar of Mojtahids, was Mawlana Beha Eddin Mohammed, a native of Isphahan. He had long been devoted to the employment of communicating the precepts of law and religion, and of exhorting to the performance of religious and moral duties. In points and disputes of law he was the resort of his contemporaries; and in conduct and manner was most praise-worthy. On my poor self he was pleased to bestow much kindness and attention. Having been when a child with his father in India, he was known by the title of the Learned Indian. He passed hence a little while before the revolution at Isphahan.
Another, a noble Seyyid, was Mirza Dâoud, son and successor of the late Mirza Abd Allah. He was of the great lords of power, and on the side of his grandmother was related to the high Safavean family. He was particularly distinguished by affinity with the late Soltân, and had the honour conferred on him of being made governor of Meshed, the holy cemetery of Rizâ. He was characterised for benignity of disposition, and was rendered famous by his poetical effusions. Adorned with the ornaments of apparent and ideal perfections, he held his course of life in honour and magnificence; until, at the approach of the calamity so often mentioned, he departed to the world of perpetuity.
Another was Mirza Seyyid Riza Hasani, who was of the Hasanian lords of Isphahan; a family, which, since the remotest antiquity, has been among the greatest and most exalted of that city; the major part of the most eminent men in the world, and the most frequent occupation of the dignity of Sadr having belonged to that house. In regard to them and the Sâïdian family it has been said:
Lines.*Mir, or Lord, of the Mirânies and Sâïdies;King of India, and king to note.
This Seyyid was remarkable among his contemporaries for florid openness of temper and disposition. He held his course of life in honour and respectability; and towards me his friendship and affection were boundless. His death happened near the revolution.
Another, eminent for his writings, was Mirza Kemâl Eddin Hosein of Fasa, who was one of my instructors. During the time of the siege, and at an advanced age, he repaired to the divine mercy.
Another, a wise philosopher, a collector of excellences and a resort of learned men, was Mawlâna Hamzehi of Gilan, who was one of the greatest scholars of the great philosopher Mawlâna Mohammed Sâdic of Ardistân, on whom be mercy! and was also one of my sincerest friends. His decease happened during the latter days of the siege.
Another was Mawlâna Mohammed Riza, son and successor of the late Mawlâna Mohammed Bakir Majlisi. Apparelled with the ornaments of science and laudable morality he employed himself in giving lectures, and was characterised for elevation and dignity of thought. He died during the calamity, together with his two noble brothers, and a multitude of children and near relations, who were all numbered among my associates and firm friends.
Another was the virtuous Mawla, Mawlâna Mohammed Taki of Tabas, one of the most famous scholars of his time, and in the various sciences endued with vast ability. He had chosen his abode at Isphahan, and there employed himself in the business of instruction. It was during the disturbance that he was united to the mercy of God.
Another was the great and illustrious Mirzâdeh Mostafa Coli Khan, son and successor of the Amir Ol Omara Saro Khan; whose laudable qualities, praise-worthy morals, and superior capacity it is impossible for me to describe. His condescension and friendship towards me knew no bounds. Having arrived at the dignity of his father, he was honoured with the degree of martyrdom at the the hands of the Afghans.
As I have now given a short account of these matters, I will return to my former discourse, and detail the remainder of my adventures.