Noshtugeen assists in placing Furokhzad on the throne, and is created minister. — Jakur Beg Suljooky advances against Ghizny — is opposed and defeated by Noshtugeen. — The King, attended by his minister, proceeds to Khorassan, and recovers it from the Suljooks. — Mutual exchange of pri­soners between the Suljooks and Ghiznevides. — Death of Furokhzad.

WHEN Furokhzad, the son of Musaood, placed the crown upon his head, he made over the ad­ministration of his government to Noshtugeen Hajib. Jakur Beg Daood, chief of the Suljooks, hearing of the late commotions in the empire, seized the opportunity to invade Ghizny, and ad­vanced with a numerous army, while Noshtugeen Hajib, collecting his forces, went forth to oppose him. Both armies having engaged, the battle was obstinate and bloody, and lasted from the rising to the setting of the sun, when the victory still re­mained undecided; for though thousands fell on both sides, the troops continued to fight regardless of danger. Success at length declared in favour of Noshtugeen Hajib, while his enemies having taken to flight, left their camp-equipage and bag­gage to the conquerors, who returned victorious to Ghizny. This battle served to establish Fu-rokhzad so firmly on his seat, that he resolved to recover Khorassan from the Suljooks. The latter were commanded by Kulbarik, one of their prin­cipal leaders, who with a numerous army was defeated with great slaughter. Kulbarik and several other persons of note were taken prisoners. Intelligence of this disaster being conveyed to Jakur Beg Suljooky, he directed an army to march under the command of his son Alp Arslan. Alp Arslan advancing, opposed the King of Ghizny with undaunted resolution, and by defeating him retrieved the character of the Suljooks, who took many of the Ghizny officers prisoners in the pursuit. Furokhzad, having reached his capital, called Kulbarik and all the Suljook prisoners into his presence, and bestowing on each a dress, gave them their liberty. The Suljooky, on his return home, represented in so strong a light the humanity of the King, that Jakur Beg, rather than be outdone in generosity, caused the prisoners of Ghizny to be also released.

Sooltan Furokhzad, who, according to the Rozut-oos-Suffa, was the son of Musaood (though Ahmud-oolla Moostowfy calls him the son of Abool Ru-

A. H. 450.
A. D. 1058.

sheed), reigned six years. In the year 450 he became afflicted with dysentery, and died. The year before his death, some of his slaves made an attempt on his life while in the bath; but Furokhzad, wresting a sword out of the hand of one of them, killed several, and defended himself against the rest, till his guards, hearing the noise, came to his rescue, and put the slaves to death. His first vizier was Hussun, the son of Mehram, and, in the latter part of his reign, Aboo Bukr Saleh.