TWO Urzies [or humble addresses] have been received from you, wherein you mention “that the Dârogha of the Jinsy of your Kushoon “had, without your knowledge, sent [your] bullocks to graze; that “the enemy’s horse came and carried them off; that you had, [in consequence] placed him [the Dârogha] under a guard; and that “Mahommed Kâzim, interceding for him with Bûrhânûddeen, had “procured his release.”
We formerly wrote, and we now again write to say, that the above-mentioned Dârogha must be dismissed from our service, and another appointed in his place.
Our most holy camp* is pitched on the banks of the Tungbuddra, and you may reckon on the special retinue speedily reflecting splendor on that quarter.
If any orders were sent to Bûrhânûdden, respecting the Dârogha of Mahommed Ali’s Jinsy, they do not appear. It is not improbable, however, that under the loose system, by which the military authorities were regulated in the Sultan’s armies, the present directions to the Sipahdâr were deemed sufficient for the occasion.