ON the subjects of stationing the Risâla of Shaikh Boodhun, according to former orders [see Letter CCCXIX] at Dhârwâr; of sending for the Aumil of that place, Yenkut Rungia, and keeping him carefully* with his (Bûrhânûddeen’s) army; of appointing Sheer Khân, the Umldâr of Kittoor, to the Umldâry of Dhârwâr; and of dispatching Mahommed Ghous Khân to Dhârwâr.
Announcing to him, moreover, that the Sultan was about to cross the river* at Gung-Kurknât,* and would soon arrive [i. e. would soon join him]; and enjoining him [in the mean while] not to give battle precipitately.*
Informing him, finally, that the special retinue was arrived at Kurgoor; and directing him to send orders for the demolition of the fort of Kittoor, and for the return of the garrison to his army.