Udai Karn, landholder, Jītāran, 193. The variant Champāran is probably the correct read­ing. Do. Singh, g.s. Motā Rājah, 595, 632 and n. 3, 655, 681, 684.
Udaipūr, Rānā's country, 57, 275, taken, 340, 1158.
Ujjaīn, Gwālior, 93, 264, flood from Siprā r., 830, Shihābu-d-dīn A. dies there, 885, 961, 1045.
Ulugh Beg, astronomer, of Samar­ḳand, 642. Do. Khān, Abyssinian, 9, 201, 295, 422, his neglect, 473, 476, 490, 574, his sons, 935, 941, 1169.
Ulugh K., 325, 326, 452-53, 460, 467, 941. Do. Mīrzā Kābulī, mas­sacres Yūsufzais, 715, 733, (another, 745, 1103).
'Umrī (Shaikh), real name Ḥasan Beg, or Ḥusain Beg, he was a Badakhshī and, apparently, he or his father had been in Bābur's service, and so was styled 'Omar or 'Umar Shaikh. He was distin­guished in A.'s reign, and held Paklī; he was cruelly put to death
by Jahāngīr as being a partizan of Khasrū. See pp. 776, 798, 855, 867, 874-75, 944-5, 946, 957, 1005-06, 1023, 1030; the spelling 'Umrī in translation should be 'Umarī Abdu-r-Raḥīm, dīwān Lahore suffered at the same time, but survived his agony. See Jahān­gīr's Mem. and Ma'āir U. I, 565 and B. 454.
'Umarkot Fort, Sind, A.'s birth­place, October 1542, 919, captured by Dalpat and Rāwal Bhīm, 924 and n. 2. See I.G., XXIV, 117.
Un'dah (Orchha), 324.
'Urfī, poet, death and verses, 907 and n. 2.
Uzbegs, a C. Asian tribe, passim. A. did not like them and abhorred their national vice. Nor did the Uzbegs and Qāqshāls and other C. Turkomāns willingly ever be in A.'s service. Neither 'Abdullāh K. Uzbeg (see B. 320), nor the two brothers Khān Zamān Bahādur, nor Wazīr Beg Jamīl (Ma'āir III, 928) were satisfactory servants; see B. 369 and n. 2.