Including the letters
Tāj K. Afghān, s. Yūsuf Dāūd's
cousin, killed by Dāūd,
Do. Jalaurī, 266-67.
Do. e.b. Sulaimān Kararānī,
647 and n. 3.
Do. Panwār, 192, 197-98.
Do. 972, P.T. 803, his s. killed,
804, goes Tīrah, 1222,
punishes 'Alīzais, 1238,
made Khān, 1247.
Takhta Beg, see B. and M. Umarā
I, 481, serv. M. Ḥakīm, afterwards
joins A., 713, 783, 792, 853, gets
fief Ghaznī, 867, 984, 998, 1051,
A. sends saffron seeds to, 1064.
Tān Sen of Gwālior, musician, dies
Tāra C. Khwāṣ, member personal
retinue, 69, 80, 467, bakhshī, 779.
Tārīkīs, Afghān sect, 966 and n. 1,
983, 1051, 1066, 1104, 1114, P.T.
776, 782, 795.
Tarkhān dīwāna, 693.
Tarkhāns, privileges of, 973-75.
Tarsūn K., nephew Saifu-l-Mulk,
see B. 342. Given Bhakkar, 129,
266, 267, P.T. 264, given Jaunpūr,
410, 422, 452-53, 467, 476, 483,
485, 567, 590, 593, 619-20, 625,
dies, 645, 651, his s., 935. See also
M. Umarā I, 471.
Note to Tarsūn K., 645. The
reference in n. 2 to pp. 257 and
260 is wrong and should be
deleted. This leads me to n. 2,
on same p. about Bhātī.
Tāsh Beg, Qūchīn, rebel, 450, 713,
720, 778, 794, sent against
'Īsākhel, 1031, 1084, 1195.
Tātār K. Ghāzī, 936, his s. killed, 7.
Telī Rajāh, wrongly printed as Tiblī
in P.T., p. 108. He was an
oilman by caste and is supposed
to be the founder of Teliyāgarh
on the Bengal frontier. It is in
the Sonthāl Parganas. See I.G.,
XXIII, 175, and A.N. translation,
151 and n. 1.
Todar Mal (Rājah), A.'s Finance-Minister,
born Laharpūr, Oude,
B. 620, sent examine Sūrat
Fort, 24 and n. 2, sent to Mun'im
K. in Bihār, 58, charge Agra, 62,
to settle Gujarāt, 91, reports, 93,
95, 98, 101, 111, 131, makes report,
133, 144, at Tānda, 169-79, 183-85,
brings elephants, 222, 229-30,
250-53, imprisons Shāh Manṣūr,
273, does homage, 277, sent
Gujarāt, 280, charge Gujarāt,
292-94, persuades Wazīr K. to
fight rebels, gains victory, 294,
joins A. at Basāwar (which seems
to be the Baswa of I.G., VII,
132 and of the Rājpūtāna map of
I.G. Atlas), 300, charge of Wazīrship,
do. Perhaps, A. F. puns on
the Wazīr or Vizier K.'s name.
This Wazīr was not satisfactory.
See B. 473, and Ma'āir U. article
on T. M., II, 123. T. M.'s idol-worship,
310, T. M. has charge
Bengal mint, 321 and n. 3, fills
Anūp tank, 352, 357, in Panjāb,
358, 407, 414, 422, 462, 467, 470,
473, 476, 485, does homage, 545,
opinion about most beneficial
act, 559, 560, charge elephants,
585, 599, 606, entertains A., 661,
672, to act under Fatḥ Ullāh's
advice, 687, 696, 705, attends P.
Murād, 733, 736, writes R. Bāsū,
777, 786, wounded by assassin,
792-93. My translation omits
parenthesis about T. M.'s having
punished the young Khetrī for
misconduct. M.U. says T. M.
attacked in palanquin. A. F.
says A. cured T. M. by Gīradam,
breathing on him. The year was
32nd of reign. T. M. gets leave
but is recalled, 858, d. and character,
861-62, 876. Todar Mal died
on 28 Ābān 998 A.H.=8 November
1589, p. 861. It was the 34th
year of the reign. In the 33rd
year he had a dispute with Sa'īd
K., p. 807, is recalled, 858, death
(at Lahore) and character, 861-62.
Dhārī has an audience, 876.
It is commonly said that T. M.
made a settlement of Kashmīr,
and the I.G., VII, 93, says Todar
Mal made a very summary record.
But this does not appear correct.
A. F. nowhere says the Rājah
made a settlement of Kashmīr,
and it appears to me he never was
in that country. The first settlement
of Kashmīr was made by
'Abdul Majīd (Āṣaf K. No. 1 of
B.). Afterwards Yūsuf K. made
a settlement, B. 346. Qāẓī 'Alī
Baghdādī and others also made a
settlement. This was after T. M.'s
death, and indeed he had for
some years before been past work.
See Badayūnī. The point is important,
for the settlement of
Kashmīr was arbitrarily and badly
made and led to a rebellion,
T. M. was in no way responsible
for this, though perhaps A. F.'s
e.b. Faiẓī was to some extent responsible.
A. F. nowhere says in
the Āīn or in the historical part
of the A.N. that Todar Mal was
ever in Kashmīr, or made any
settlement of it. B. says Todar
Mal died at Lahore. But this
is not quite certain. He had got
leave from A. and was on his
road to Hardwār, but then a
second letter came from A.
intimating that it was better to
go on working and doing good
to the world than to go on pilgrimage.
We do not know when
and where this reached T. M.
But he turned back and died in
the beginning of 998 (11 Muḥarram).
His body was burnt,
apparently, at Lahore, and Rājah
Bhagwān Dās, his colleague in the
charge of Lahore, was present at
the ceremony. See A.N., III,
p. 570. A. was at Kābul near
Bārīk Āb when the news of Todar
Mal's death arrived. His death
took place on 3 Āzar (middle
November, 1589). Two sons are
spoken of. One, Dhārī, was
killed in battle in Sind. Another,
Kalyān Dās, was sent by
T. M. to bring in the Kumāon
Rājah, p. 812. He was left in
charge Lahore, 817.
Tānda. Ganges divides here into
two branches, 153 and n. 2, 169,
186, 227, 228, Dāūd's head
gibbeted at, 255, 328, 378, 428,
442 and n., Moaffar takes refuge
in, 447, 567, 625, 695, 1023,
Tatta cap. Sind, 127, 149, arrival of
M. 'Alī Jān, 776, ambassadors'
audience, 889, 929, 973, Ṭatta restored
M. Jānī, 986.
Tibet and little Tibet, i.e.
Bāltistān, 117, 647, ambassadors
to, 838, 844, 847, 850, envoys
return, 860, d. sent by 'Alī Rāi,
ruler Tibet, to be married to
Selīm (Jahāngīr), 921, 1067, 'Alī
Zād, ruler Bāltistān, 1091.
āhir (Shāh). List of officers who
died at Gaur from disease,
227 and n. 1.
Do. Beg, 1061.
Do. historian, āhir Khwājajī,
631 and n. 2.
ahmāsp Shāh of Persia, 316, 820,
886, 896, 1021.
Do. Mīrzā, 900, 1031.
ahmūra, e.s. P. Daniel, 1246,
1254. He was put to death in the
beginning of Shāh Jahān's reign
by Āṣaf K. See Ma'āiru-l-Umarā,
I, 156 and 714. The date
was January, 1628.
ālib (Mullā) or Bābā ālib of
Ispahān, a poet, 798, envoy Tibet,
838 and notes 2 and 3, returns, 860,
1091. On 860, for Mullā ālib
Mihtar Yārī read “ālib Mihtar
Yārī” (for they are two distinct
persons). For Bābā ālib or
ālib K., see B. 607 and n. 2. He
lived to over one hundred.