67, In the fort, there is a house belonging to Government, appointed for the Cutchery: besides this, if there should be any other house belonging to Government, for the residence of the Kelladar and Aumil, well and good; otherwise houses, containing each of them twenty Cheshmais,* shall be erected at the distance of 50 Deras from the Cutchery, at the expence of Government, for the Kelladar and Aumil, and they are to be kept in repair by Government—One of these buildings is for the residence of the Kelladar, and the other for the Ummuldar; and whoever happens to be the Aumil and Kelladar shall occupy them; there is no occasion for more than twenty Cheshmais in each. The Kelladar and Aumil shall sit and transact their business together in one of the Cheshmais of the Cutchery— If there is no Cutchery in the fort, a Cutchery containing 7 Cheshmais shall be built, and they shall both transact business in it.
68. If the Reyuts, in discharge of their rents, shall offer gold, silver, copper, or brass, these articles are not to be disposed of to traders, but are to be purchased for Government, according to the price-current of the Bazar; and to be entered in the accounts of the office, and to be forwarded with the account of them to the Cutchery at the same time with the supplies of stores. If in breach of this rule you shall allow these articles to be disposed of to merchants, and receive the purchase money on account of Government, you will incur the displeasure of Government.
69. The Cauzees and other respectable Mahomedans, and such as follow the profession of arms, shall be exempted throughout your district from the payment of any house tax, or tax upon grain and other things which they may bring from the country for their food.