WE have received your letter, and its contents are understood. In conformity with the wishes of Râo Râsta, the siege of Nergûnd has been relinquished, and our victorious army has encamped at the distance of two or three Coss from thence. You must state to Râo Râsta, that a mulct is not what we want from the Zemindâr, but due compensation for the injury sustained by our dominions [in consequence of his depredations], and payment of the arrears due by him for [several] years past.
The movements and near approach of the Mahrattah army, which had now advanced in considerable force to the support of the Zemindâr of Nergûnd, appear to have rendered it inexpedient to prosecute the siege of that place, which was, therefore, relinquished for the present; the Sultan, at the same time, taking credit for having, in this instance, yielded to the wishes of Râo Râsta; who, however, was not to be so easily duped, as may be seen by Letter XXXVII to Mahommed Ghyâs. No material progress could have been made in the siege at the time it was relinquished.