Two letters from you have passed under our view, and the particulars set forth in them are distinctly manifested.
What you write, of having chastised and defeated the enemy, is understood. Budrûz Zumân Khân has also been ordered to join you with the forces under his command, and to co-operate with you in the chastisement of the enemy. The aforesaid Khân will, accordingly, join you with his troops. As he possesses great practical knowledge and experience in war, you will, as a matter of course,* consult with him on all measures relating to the operations [you are conducting]. You must, also, keep moving round the enemy, at the distance of from two to three coss, in order that you may, by this means, straiten their foragers.*
What you write, with regard to your having relinquished to the captors the horses and camels taken from the enemy, is known; and we approve of the same.
We lately wrote to you, desiring you to turn, or pass, the rear of the enemy, and join us with your army. That, however, is not now necessary. You must remain where you are, in the districts of Kittoor, Dhârwâr, and Shânoor, and apply yourself to the chastisement of the enemy. Please God, we shall soon be disengaged from the business which occupies us here, when, after inflicting signal punishment on such part of the enemy’s forces as may [venture to] advance on this side of Adoni, we shall proceed, by the route of Hurpunhully, and crossing the Tungbhuddra, pursue [from thence] our march to that quarter [i. e. to join you].
What you have stated, of the commendable services of Ghous Mahommed Khân, and of Sheer Khân, the Umldâr, and others, is comprehended, and we have, in consequence, issued orders to Mahommed Hyder and to Nursia, the Taalûkdârs of Nugr, to send you two pair of gold, and thirty pair of silver hulkahs,* each pair of the weight of one seer.* The former of these you are to present to the first Munshoor [Ghous Mahommed Khân], and to Sheer Khân, the Umldâr aforesaid. The silver ones are to be given to the inferior officers, as marks of our approbation.
Of the Coolies attached to you, keep as many [only] as you may [absolutely] require, and distribute the rest among the four Kushoons [with you], for the service of the Doolies [or litters], in which the sick and wounded must be dispatched to the circumjacent forts.
You write, “that you have it in contemplation to make a night attack “upon the enemy.” It is revealed. Where [or when] will you have an opportunity of making a night attack? You should, however, keep moving round the enemy, at the distance of three or four coss,* in order that, if a favourable occasion should present itself, you may [fall upon and] chastise them.
The foregoing letter appears twice in the collection, but in different places, and with some variations. I have followed the entry which seemed to me the most perfect of the two. In the copy, however, which I suppose to have been cancelled, the following material paragraph occurs:
“What you write of the backwardness of the cavalry is understood. You “must give orders to their Bukhshy to exert himself, for the purpose of infusing “into them a proper spirit, so that they may not, hereafter, act in a cowardly “manner, at the [critical] moment of service.”