The arrangement I made for the third war with the Jetes, was this; when I collected six thousand horse, I formed them into seven divisions, and marched towards the Jetes; when I reached the village of Akyar, I was informed that the enemy were very numerous, and were advancing very rapidly; I therefore halted at Akyar, and sent off an express to hasten Amyr Hussyn; when he drew near, I again marched and crossed the Khujend river, and then fortified its (northern) bank; I also sent out spies for information, these soon returned, and informed me that the Jete army was encamped on the banks of the Badam river; that Shuknūm Behader commanded the right wing, Hajy Beg the left, Alyas Khuajē the centre, and Kipchāk Behader the advanced line.

In consequence of this intelligence, I new modelled my forces; I gave the command of the right, which consisted of Amyr Hussyn’s troops, to Belanchy Arlāt; the advanced line was under charge of Melk Behader, and the left, with the Kipchāk tribe, was led by Amyr Sarbuga; I took post with the left, leaving Amyr Jakū and other chiefs with the reserve; I kept a few of my confidential officers about myself; when I had made this arrangement, Amyr Hussyn crossed the river with one thousand horse, and drew up his army.

Every thing being in proper order, I said to Amyr Hussyn, “it is not advan­tageous that we should make a general engagement, I will advance and attack the enemy with my forces, if you will faithfully promise to protect my rear, or if you choose to lead, I will support you; at this time we were more numerous than the enemy, and our troops were therefore presumptuous; but, according to custom, I consulted the Korān, and this verse opened, “when you are proud of your numbers, you shall be defeated, but God will finally give you the victory;” on which I became strong of heart.

But Amyr Hussyn would not attend to my request of dividing our armies, saying, “do not let us separate, but let us advance in line, and attack the foe;” I again replied, “it is not to our advantage to fight them thus; let us attack them in the Cossack manner;” but he would not listen to my advice.

Being without choice, I yielded to his opinion, and he drew out our armies. In a short time, the (Munkelay) skirmishers of the enemy came close to us, and the light troops of both sides charged each other; after which, the advanced lines came to blows, and some squadrons under command of Zindē Khushm, made a furious attack on Amyr Hussyn’s right, which fell into disorder, but several of his chiefs kept their ground; Alyas Khuajē then sent a division under charge of Amyr Shumsaddyn, to repeat the attack; this leader approached very near to Hussyn; I, seeing that we were likely to be defeated, made a des­perate charge with seventeen squadrons on Shumsaddyn; upon this, fearing to oppose me, he drew in his reins, and turned his face to flight. Having thus routed him, I made a charge on the (Kūl) centre of Alyas Khuajē, and having worsted them, I sent a message by Taban Behader, to Amyr Hussyn, “desiring him to come to me immediately, and the victory would be compleated by the total flight of the enemy.”

Amyr Hussyn behaved like a blockhead, abused my messenger, and said, “what, am I a coward, that he thus summons me in front of the army.” Again I sent Mulk Mehedy, who was one of his relations, to request that he would come up, as the enemy were just on the point of giving way; Amyr Hussyn was again angry with him, and said, “be patient, till I can unite my broken troops;” Mulk Mehedy replied, “Amyr Timūr has defeated the first line of the enemy, and is now engaged with the reserve which is about to give way; if your reserve will only make its appearance, no doubt the enemy will flee;” on which Amyr Hussyn struck him, and sent him back.

When Mulk Mehedy returned to me, I saw that he was much downcast, but did not tell me that he had been struck, only said, “it is a folly to assist this stupid fellow; the scoundrel wishes that we should uselessly endanger our lives, while he may escape from the vortex of danger.” From this hint, I saw that it was Amyr Hussyn’s wish to make me a mouthful for the jaws of the enemy. As I had at that time compleatly defeated the right of the adversary, and saw no prospect of assistance from Amyr Hussyn, I desisted from further fighting, and forming my troops in order of battle, I took post on the bank of a rivulet which ran through the plain.

When the enemy saw that I had discontinued the fight, and having collected my men, had taken post in the field, they being much fatigued, were rejoiced, and also took post in the plain.

That night my saddle was my bed, and my officers formed a circle around me; I however sent out scouts on all sides, to bring intelligence; whilst in this situation, a messenger came from Amyr Hussyn, to apologize for his miscon­duct, to express his sorrow and regret for what had past, and to request that I would recommence the fight; I sent back the messenger to say, “that we had lost the opportunity; that when I had broken the enemy, it would then have been easy to have conquered them; that now they were all collected and formed in order, it would be useless to make any attempt on them.”

Having thus passed the night on the field of battle, and the horses having rested, as soon as the morning dawned, we performed our prayers; when the sun rose, the enemy being able to see the situation of my army, beat their drums, and began to practice incantations.*

In consequence, a very heavy rain fell, and the plain became such a slough, that our horses could scarcely move; notwithstanding this, my warriors from their excess of bravery, and sense of honour, beat their drums, drew their swords, spurred on their steeds, and advanced through the mud and slough; I also ordered the trumpets to sound, and dashed forward.

About this time, a (Yedchy) magician was seized by my people; when they struck off his head, the storm ceased:* I then ordered the troops to charge, which they did, and dispersed the enemy; they continued the pursuit, while I halted in the plain, and caused the music of victory to sound.

Whilst in this situation, the (Tugh) flag of Amyr Shumsaddyn, the general of the Jete army, came in sight, followed by all his troops; at this moment I had only two thousand horse with me, I directed one thousand of them to charge the enemy, which they did in so brave a manner, that they broke the first line, and reached the flag, but the second line then came to the assistance of the first, and the battle continued from morning till night; till at length nearly one thousand of my two thousand men were killed; “to God alone belongs power and might.”

As the night came on, my troops that were dispersed, rejoined me, and I found that by this calamity, I had lost a thousand warriors; my officers were therefore of opinion, that in consequence of this misfortune, and the want of co-operation by Amyr Hussyn, it was requisite that we should retrogade some marches towards Kesh, where being joined by all my detachments, I might then make head against the Jetes; we therefore set out for Kesh.

From this event, I found by experience, that in whatever army there are two generals, discord must ensue, and I resolved never again to unite with Amyr Hussyn, or to appoint two generals to one army.

When we had reached the vicinity of Kesh, all my troops, that had been dis­persed, joined me, and I again formed my army. At this time, Amyr Hussyn came and encamped at the distance of four miles, and being much ashamed of his misconduct, he sent a person to inform me, that it was his opinion we should take all our hordes and tribes with us, and cross the (Oxus) Jihūn, and enter Khurasān. I would not see the messenger, but informed him that my honour would not allow me to abandon my country to be trodden down by the savage Jetes, that I would again collect an army, oppose and fight them with all my might, until I should have again driven them out of Maveralnaher.

Amyr Hussyn being disappointed, marched away to his residence at Sali Seray, where having collected his tribe, he crossed the Jihūn, and encamped on the (southern) bank of that river, waiting to see whether the Jetes would come that way, and resolving if they did, to retire towards Hindūstan.

I boldly remained where I was, and fortified the neighbourhood of Kesh, and issued orders for assembling a large army. At length having fortunately col­lected twelve (Kushūns) regiments, I gave the command of three of these to Timūr Khuajē, Janjy Behader, and Abās Behader; and soon after having heard that the Jete army had reached Kukeng, a town of the district of Samerkund, and had halted there, I detached these three regiments as an advanced guard towards Samerkund; I then appointed Daoud Khuajē, and Hindū Shāh to the command of two other regiments, and sent them after the others; but they all having joined, passed their time in feasting and drinking; at length when they were in a state of intoxication, the former officers said to the latter, “do you know, that it is Amyr Timūr’s intention, after he defeats the Jetes, to annihilate you?” these drunken wretches believing what they had heard, took fright, quitted the advance guard, and rode towards the Jete camp.

When I was informed of this circumstance, I cursed the scoundrels; by chance an advance guard of the Jetes fell in with the deserters, who treacherously led the enemy against Timūr Khuajē and Abās Behader; these, after some skirmish­ing, finding that they were not able to contend with their adversaries, fled.

Being now convinced that wine was the cause of strife. I ordered that whoever should hereafter drink it, should have melted lead poured down his throat, and all his effects confiscated. In consequence of these misfortunes, I felt that the prospect of my good fortune and sovereignty was postponed.

When my broken forces were again collected, I marched with them towards Balkh, and having arrived there, I encamped on the bank of the river Amū, in order to give time for the different hordes that were dispersed, to assemble around me, and in a short time was joined by the tribes of Tumek Khān, and Ilchy Būghā Selduz.

Having learned that the Jetes had arrived in the vicinity of Samerkund, I crossed the Amū, and stationed troops at the different ferries.

At this time, Timūr Khuajē, who by his bad conduct, had been the chief cause of my recent misfortune, came and gave himself up; I at first issued orders for his being put to death, but the other chiefs having bent their knees, and suppli­cated his pardon, I forgave him.

At this period, letters arrived from the prelates Mūlāzadē Samerkundy, Khur­dek Bokhary, Abū Beker, and other principal inhabitants of Samerkund, repre­senting that the Jete army were arrived in the neighbourhood of Samerkund; and although the city had no citadel, they nevertheless had fortified the town opposed the enemy, and checked their proceedings; that they daily skirmished with them, and requested that I would immediately advance to their aid, when, if it should please God, they would shortly compel the Jetes to retreat.

In consequence of this intelligence, I mustered my army, which consisted of seven thousand horse, and re-crossed the river. I was, however, in two minds whether I should at once advance to the relief of Samerkund, and thereby pre­serve the property, the honour and lives of the Muselmāns, or whether I should make a night attack on the camp of the Jetes, and in the Cossack manner, lay waste the country around them.

Whilst I was thus dubious, I received other letters from the inhabitants of Samerkund, stating that, Providence, as a punishment for the tyranny and op­pression of the Jetes, over the Muselmāns, had been pleased to inflict the former with a severe plague, which had destroyed a number of them, and killed all their horses. I therefore drew out my army, and having appointed Abās Behader to the command of the advance, I pushed on towards Samerkund.

When the Jetes heard of my approach, they preferred flight to fight, and tying their armour in bundles on their back, they all set out for the (Desht) desert; I sent a force in pursuit of them, with orders to quickly drive these infected wretches out of the province of Maveralnaher: I also followed them, but when I came up with them, I found them in such a deplorable situation, that I had compassion on them; I therefore discontinued the pursuit, and returned to the plains of Bukelān, from whence I detached Amyr Jakū with several other officers, to take possession of Samerkund.

Whilst I remained in the plain of Bukelān, Amyr Hussyn having quitted his winter quarters of Sherkū, came first to Sali Seray, where having left his family and dependants, he came and joined me at Bukelān. As it was then the beginning of winter, we consulted what was most eligible to be done, and it was determined that I should go and take up my residence during the winter, at Kārshy; and that he should return and remain at Sali Seray. Amyr Hussyn was very jealous that my troops should have got possession of Samerkund, but as he was without remedy, he was obliged to swallow his envy: we therefore parted, and I proceeded to Karshy,* where I remained all that winter; I also permitted my soldiers to go to their homes, and rest themselves during the inclement season, but to rejoin me at the commencement of the spring.