Ascends the throne, and marries the widow of the late King, Madood, daughter of Jakur Beg Suljooky. — Ally Bin Rubeea flies from the capital, after plundering the treasury, accompanied by the household troops — reduces a part of the country of the Afghans for himself. — Abool Rusheed, a son of Sooltan Mahmood, raises an army, sets up his pretensions to the throne, and advances to Ghizny — is feebly opposed by Sooltan Abool Hussun Ally, who is defeated and taken prisoner.

Shaban 1.
A. H. 441.
Dec. 26.
A. D. 1049.

ON Friday, the 1st of Shaban, in the year 441, Sooltan Abool Hussun Ally ascended the throne of Ghizny, and espoused the widow of his brother Mo-dood, daughter of Jakur-Beg Suljooky. In the mean time Ally Bin Rubeea in conjunction with Meeruk Hoosein, broke open the treasury, and plundering from thence as much gold and jewels as they could conveniently carry, fled with a band of the household troops, and some of the chiefs whom they had brought over to their interest, to­wards Pishawur and Punjab, on the Indian fron­tier. At Pishawur, being joined by the natives, they raised a great army, and having reduced Mooltan and Sind, subdued, by force of arms, the Afghans who had declared their independence in that country. This nation had taken advantage of the public disturbances, to plunder those pro­vinces which Ally Rubeea held independently of the crown, till the accession of Sooltan Abool Rusheed.

A. H. 443.
A. D. 1051.
In the year 443 the King sent for his brother Murdan Shah and Yeyeed-yar from the fort of Bulameea, * where they had been imprisoned, restored them to liberty, and treated them with affection and kindness. At this time, however, Abool Rusheed, a son of the Emperor Mahmood, formed a party in his own favour. The King opened the treasury, and in­creased the strength of his army, but his power daily declined. Abool Rusheed advanced to Ghizny, and having gained a complete victory, as­cended the throne in the latter end of the same year. Sooltan Abool Hussun Ally reigned little more than two years.