In ancient times, the country of Gujarát was possessed by the Rájpúts and Kúlies; when every chief, being independent of another, was a person of power in his own domain. The army of Rájá Phúr,* (Porus), however, then Deva Rájá of Kanauj, and greatest of all the Rájas of Hindústán, was annually sent to collect the tribute; and, after having done so, returned to the capital.
One of the Rájá's slaves, named Sáwant Singh, having committed some fault, was put to death; and, as his house was plundered at the same time, his wife, while pregnant, fled towards Gujarát. On her journey to this country, she bore a son; who, being discovered in the wilderness by Rájá Síl Deva,* was carried to Palanpúr, and there brought up by him. This boy, on arriving at man's estate, became so fond of evil company, that, soon following the ways of his companions, he turned highwayman and robber. Having, at length, seized on some treasure on its way from Gujarát to Kanauj, he was, from that time, blessed with the smiles of fortune, and established his power and independence. Soon after he became intimate with a marketman named Champa, who weaned him from his evil propensities; and, having now assumed the title of Ban-Ráj, or Bansráj, he laid the foundation of the city of Patan, and made it the seat of his government. This occurred five years after he had first become independent;* and from that time, until the foundation of the good city of Ahmadábád, Patan continued to be the royal residence and the capital of Gujarát.
When Ban Ráj had resolved on founding the city of Patan, he went in search of a site favourably situated for the amusement of the chase; and, having at length met a shepherd, was informed by him where a suitable place might be found. The shepherd, whose name was Anhil, stipulated that the city should be named after him; saying at the same time, that he had there seen a hare beat a dog by her exertion and agility. The ground was selected; and when a population had collected, received the name of Anhilwárah. This became known by degrees under the name of Nahrwálah; which, when the population increased, and the town became a place of note, was changed to Patan: for, in the Hindí language, they call a favoured town and a royal residence Patan. The era of the foundation is 802 of Vikramáditya, corresponding to A. Hij. 130, A.D. 747, or, as some say, to A. Hij. 202, A.D. 817.
Three royal races of Hindús have successively ruled over this country, namely the Cháwura,* Solankhí,* and Baghílah races. According to the Ayín Akbarí, the total number of individuals belonging to the tribes who held power amounted to twenty-three, and these retained possession of the country for five hundred and seventy-five years previous to the period when Gujarát became subject to the Mohammedans.