Eastern prov. (Bengal, etc.), account
affairs there, 28, rebellion in Orissa,
Elephants, account mast animal, 35-6.
A. has rioters trampled by, 11.
two taken in boats, 123, A.'s liking
for and power over 111-16, 179,
noted e. arrive from Bengal, 439,
covered with yāq tails, etc., 176, e.
battle, 245-46, feat of two elephants
which saved situation, 473-74, e.
stops at A.'s rebuke, 654, e. objects
to driver's lie, 870, a female elephant
formerly very gentle broke
out and killed her keeper and fourteen
others, 967, story of blind
men and elephant, 1072.
Epidemic in Bhakkar, cured by
acacia (sīris) bark, 128, in Gaur,
227 and n. 2, in Herat, 315, cured
by henna in Cingiz K.'s time 938-40,
and again by prayer to A.
Estimate, of trooper's pay, 1032 and n.
European ports, army sent to conquer,
409-10 and n. 1.
Exploit of Moaffar at Ḥājīpur, 193.