From the same to the same; dated 16th JAAFURY. (19th June.)

THE letter you sent has shown the face of arrival, and made us ac­quainted with the circumstances therein written. You state, “that “after obviating all difficulties* to day, you will come, accompanied by “the persons of respectability [or credit, before mentioned] for the “purpose of putting [every thing] in a [proper] train [of adjustment].” It is known, and highly approved. The habits of friendship and mutual interest have, of old [or from former times], firmly and truly subsisted between our lord and master (long may his prosperity endure!) and your master.* A regard to this circumstance, joined to compassion for the situation of [God’s] creatures, has disposed the blessed mind [of the former] to an accommodation; in which [disposition] he has been more especially confirmed by your humble supplications, aided by the repre­sentations of us, your friends, and others participating in the present negociation. It is, therefore, proper, that that friend, obtaining full powers to conclude a settlement, and accompanied by the persons of credit [before alluded to], should repair hither, and finally arrange the business, according to your agreement; inasmuch as his Highness, our master, has these two objects greatly at heart; namely, first, the relief of [God’s] creatures;* and, secondly, the corroboration of the founda­tions of ancient friendship. What more?