The Persian Che has in this Index sometimes
been rendered by C and
sometimes by Ch.
Cabool, see Kābul.
Cabral, Antonio, Portuguese ambassador,
37-8, and n. 1.
Cāchar, elephant, nearly killed Bīr
Bar, A. saves him, 654.
Caghān serai, place on Kunār r.,
Afghanistan, 984.
Caghatai K., favourite s. Cingiz
Qaān, 840.
Do. Deccanī, follower, Burhān-ul-Mulk,
killed, 859.
Cagathai, Mongol tribe, 250, 535.
Cakdara, fort on Swāt River, 727-8,
810, n. 1, I.G., 122.
Caks or Chaks, Kashmīr family, 774
and n. 1, and 835 P.T.
Cakūr, in Kālpī, 124.
Cakgopāl, near Lahore, A. injured
by wolf at, 807.
Calabī or Calpī Beg, of Tabrīz,
learned man, comes court, account
of, 1116 and n. 3.
Calpa or Chalīpā, Persian Index
makes it a place, but this seems
wrong. Chalīpā seems correct
reading and means a cross, or
anything crooked or bent. Here
used to mean apparently a tortuous
or devious route, Have rendered
it by “cross roads,” but this is
doubtful. Perhaps what is meant
is that fugitives went off in agitated
manner or took by-paths. See
Lucknow ed. A. N. under 25th
year, p. 198, vol. III, p. 8, and p. 498
of translation n. 3, also Bahār-i-'Ajam
319 and n. S. v. Chalīpa,
and Vuller's Dictionary, I. 588.
Cambay, port, Gujarat, A. arrives at
13, Ḥasan K. in charge, 15, 38 and
n., 59, 293, 301, 610, 613, 629. S.
Moaffar comes to 639, 641, 655,
Cāmpānīr, 25.
Cānd or Cāndor, 60 m. from Aḥmadnagar,
Cānd K., on elephant in battle against
Kabulīs, 537.
Do. father-in-law Muḥ. K., 1169.
Candāl, a tribe, 922.
Cāndpūr, t. Bijnor, d., I. G, X, 167.
Cānd Rai, s. Kedar Rai, killed by
Afghans, 968-9. P.T. 632, has
Gorakpūr, but there is the variant
Kharakpūr which may be vill. in
Midnapur d., I.G, XV, 247.
Candūr, t. Berar, 741.
Canda K., Deccanī, 686, 859.
Candur Bhān, Mān Singh's brother,
marries Pūran Mal of Gidhaur's
d., 872.
Candaur, t. Berar, 741.
Candur Kot, fort, Kashmīr, 775, and n. 2.
Candar Sen, s. Rajah Maldeo, rebels
113-14, 155, 224-5, his fort of
Siwāna taken, 237, his defeat, 466.
Canderī, fort, Central India, 422 and
Cārāns, Gujarāti tribe allied to Bhīls.
78 and n. 3. See J. II. 249.
Cārbāra, vill. Cutch, 964.
Cārīkārān or Cārīkār, outpost, Afghanistan,
Carkas (Circassian) k., in Gujarāt,
joins enemy, 628, 641, killed at
Broach, 657 and n. 1.
Catar Bhūj, Rajah Mālwa, s. Jagman,
Catr Sen, in Mān Singh's army, 934.
Catrī, Afghan, 194, 199 and n. 1.
Caudhrīs, mint masters, 320-21 and
n. 1, 470 and n. 2.
Cerūs, an Indian tribe, 721 and n. 1.
Chalmers, Captain, quoted, 5, n. 2.
Chameleon, legend about, 1 and n. 3.
Chānd Bībī, sister Burhānu-l-Mulk.
Said to have poisoned her brother
1025 and n. 2, defends Aḥmadnagar
1047. T, 1142-43, put to death,
Chankārī, fort, Afghanistan, 957,
982-83. Also spelt Cīnkārī.
Chaupāra, ferry, 794 and n. 1.
Chaugarha, fort, or Chorgarha fort,
but apparently Khurda is the correct
spelling, 967 and n. 3.
Chenāb or Chīnāb, r. Kashmīr and
Panjab, bridged, 356, 508 and n. 4,
513, 546, 708, 747, 764, 818, crossed
by two bridges, 870, 916, 922, 946.
Chītās (leopards), two special ones
drowned Ganges, 132.
Chitor, 661.
Chittagong, E. Bengal, 159, 722.
Chorah Pass or Chohār Chobah, 782
and n. 1.
Christians (Naṣāri), arrive from Goa
at Surat camp, 37 and n. 1, 44, n. 5
A.'s conversation with 372 and
n, 5.
Chunār or Cunār, Mun'im marches
from, 28.
Cingiz K., the Tartar (Qaān Buzurg),
pestilence in time of,
cured by henna, 939, appointment
of Tarkhāns,
973, 975.
Do. Gujarātī, s. Itimādu-l-Mulk.
officer Sultan Maḥmūd,
killed by Jujhar K., 42,
46 and n. 1.
Cīta Bilūcī, 739.
Circassian dynasty, 1019. The word
in P.T. lines 11 and 14 is Charakasta
or Charakashta, and I have
taken this to be Circassian. But
text seems corrupt.
Circumcision of three princes, 102-03
and n. 1.
Cocakpūr, vill., 129.
Coka or Cākā Rai or Joga Parīhar,
f. Bhawal Anega, 1109.
Comet (of 1577), 311-16 and n.
Cotāna or Chotāna or Jūtāna, t.
Gujarāt, 98, n. 2, 67.
Couto, Diego du, quoted, 37 and 38,
n. 1.
Cūcak Beg, servant, M. Shāhrukh,
663, 665.
Do. Khānim, w. 'Abdu-r-Rashīd,
d. Kāshghar, quarrel with
Ḥarīm, B. 213-15.
Cūnār, Mun'im marches from 28,
stormy weather at 125.
Cutch (Kachchh) Native State, Bombay
Pres., cf. 710, n. 1, Pancharān
ruler of, 199, 904, 963.