Conquest of Siwána.

[Text, vol. iii. p. 147.] Siwána is a famous fortress in the province of Ajmír, and belonged to Chandar Sen.* It was held by Bathá Ráhtor. Sháh Kulí Khán Mahram and Ráí Singh had not conducted their operations skilfully. The horses of their men were out of condition, and want of grain and provender had reduced their army to a miserable state. Saiyid Ahmad and others were first sent to assist, and to do their best in reducing the fort, so that the troops might return. The amírs hastened from their estates to take their part in the siege. Just at this time Jalál Khán was killed, and this en­couraged the rebels to raise their heads still higher in rebellion. More especially Kalla, son of Ráí Rám, and grandson of Mál Deo, who collected a large number of men in the fort of Wíkúr. The Saiyids of Bárha and other chiefs of the army were directed to put down these rebels, and the operations against Siwána were suspended. Sháhbáz Khán was appointed to conduct a reinforcement, and return to Court. When he approached the scene of operations, he learned that the Imperial army had already invested the fortress, and were pressing it hard. Sháhbáz Khán pressed forward zealously, to take part in the siege. By vigorous and valiant exertions, the place was reduced, and the garrison made prisoners. Leaving a detachment under the Bárha Saiyids as a garrison, he marched against Siwána.

Eight kos from the fortress of Siwána, he came to a stone fort called Dúnára.* He found it occupied by a body of Rájpúts, of the Ráhtor clan, who refused his summons to surrender. So he set about the siege in earnest, and prepared sábáts. In a short time the fort was taken, and many of the Ráhtors were slain. He then marched against Siwána, the garrison of which place had been intimidated by the fall of Dúnára. He again constructed sábáts, and pressed on the operations of the siege so vigorously and boldly that the garrison, after a short delay, capitulated.