The King seeks for an auspicious omen, and in consequence lays siege to the fort of Talican, &c. A. H. 955.—A. D. 1548.
It was the custom of his Majesty always to keep a Cock in the Ewry, for the purpose of awaking the servants early in the morning: it was a beautiful white bird, and the King used frequently to feed it with raisins: one day, while his Majesty was standing in the Ewry, he said to himself, “if it is the will of fortune to favour me, the cock will mount upon my shoulder, and evince his delight;” in an instant the bird flew on the king’s shoulder, and began to crow; on which his Majesty was much pleased, took the cock in his hands, and put a silver ring on its neck.
The next day we marched to Cara Bag, thence to Keram, thence to Gul Behar, thence to Penj sheher,* which is situated in a delightful valley, abounding with all kinds of luxuries, the inhabitants of which are nearly connected with the unbelievers, who wear black clothes (Syahposhan); but it is considered as a dependency upon Kabul. From this place we again marched, and entered the mountains called Hindu Kush (the Hindu slayer); the next day we got through the pass, and encamped on the banks of the river Bengy.
At this place a messenger arrived from the Prince Hindal, bringing a letter and a present of some fine melons. The next day we marched after morning prayer, and continued our journey till after sun-set, when intelligence was brought that the Prince Hindal was arrived. The Prince was about to dismount to pay his respects, but the King requested he would not take the trouble; in short, they embraced on horseback, and the King spoke to him in the most affectionate manner. During their discourse his Majesty enquired what was become of their brother Kamran, and the other insurgents? the Prince replied, “that they were in possession of the fort of Zuffer.” After travelling a great part of the night, we halted on the bank of the river Helcana.
During the next day, the Prince Kamran, having made a forced march of fifty miles from Zuffer, arrived, when a watch of the night had passed, in front of our encampment, where he drew up in battle array. As soon as the day broke, the King ordered his troops to form into line, and oppose the enemy.
When Kamran saw our army drawn out, he made a violent charge, but was strenuously opposed by Hajy Muhammed Khan, who was posted on the left of the King, but who was obliged to give away. I have heard that on that occasion the Prince Kamran with his own hand clove the skull of one of the Hajy’s followers from the top of his head to the nose; in short, that division was routed, and Kamran’s followers having obtained much booty, retired with it to the fort of Talican, of which they had previously gained possession. On hearing of this event, his Majesty enquired what they had done with the library, and was informed that it was quite safe.
In short, after the rout of our left division, the King, having ordered his own standard to be unfurled, and the kettle drums to be beaten, advanced in person against Kamran, who being thereby terrified, made his retreat to Talican. His Majesty then advanced close under the walls of the fort, and gave orders to put to death every follower of Kamran that should be taken prisoner; but after several of them had been killed, he had compassion on the remainder, and let them go.
The King then encamped in a grove at a short distance from the fort, and wrote the following note to the Prince: “Oh, my unkind brother, what are you doing? every murder that is committed on either side, you will be answerable for at the Day of Judgement: come, and make peace, that mankind may be no longer oppressed by our contest.” He then called a messenger, named Nesyb, the astrologer, and told him to carry the note to the Prince Kamran. When the messenger came to the fort, and told his errand, he was allowed to enter, and he delivered the note. After the Prince had read it, he remained silent; on which Nesyb requested an answer: the Prince then repeated the following well known verse;
“He shall obtain the bride of the kingdom who embraces her across the edge of the sharp sword.”
Nesyb then made his obeisance, came away, and reported the circumstance to his Majesty.
The King then gave orders to station the troops round the fort, and to erect batteries at several places, and on this occasion ordered me (the author) to erect one of them before he returned to that spot. His Majesty was employed the whole night in fixing the batteries, after which he gave orders for the guns to be mounted. For nearly two months a fire was kept up against the fortress; at length Kamran being reduced to great extremities, made it known that if the King would send his Almoner into the fort, he might there proclaim him as the rightful sovereign.
In consequence of this information, on the first Friday, Mulana Abdal Baky, the Sudder, went into the fort, and read the Khutbeh in his Majesty’s name.
On the following day Caraja Khan, and the other chiefs who had deserted, came with quivers and swords tied about their necks, and threw themselves at his Majesty’s feet, who was pleased to pardon them. On that night the Prince Kamran made his escape from the fort, and halted on the bank of the river Bengy. Here he was attacked by the troops of Myrza Ibrahim Hussyn, son of Soliman, King of Badukhshan, and taken prisoner. On hearing this circumstance, his Majesty sent an agent to Hussyn to demand his prisoner; he also sent an honorary dress and several presents to Kamran, all of which he respectfully received; and having put on the dress, agreed to wait on the King, who in the mean time took possession of Talican.