THE difficulty and importance of a pub­lic station are sufficient to animate the exer­tion of great abilities. It is no small tribute of public praise to admit that Mr. Dundas has combined in one act of Parlia­ment the interests of Great Britain and of the East-India Company, and that the prosperity of Great Britain and of British India is attainable by the judicious applica­tion of its powers.

Credit may be given to Mr. Francis when he says, “that he would abandon the subject of India for ever, if he could, but that he will not consult his ease at the expence of his honour*.” When he proceeds to say that Mr. Dundas’s prin­ciples and declarations, though barren and unproductive in his hands, will not be useless in his own*, it becomes necessary for those who dissent from any part of the present system, to examine the foundations of Mr. Francis’ plans, and the extent of the measures which his honour urges him to inculcate, and which he has so success­fully diffused among the most eminent men of this country, and continues to promul­gate*. The revenue regulations of Tippoo Sultaun appeared conclusive both against Mr. Francis and Sir John Shore’s revenue plans; from sentiments of humanity, which had been awaked during the exer­cise of a delegated trust, and were not stifled, after the duty had ceased, I had sent a copy of that work to the press, that it might be known, when I read the fol­lowing article in the Morning Chronicle of the 18th of July, 1793: