INTRODUCTORY (Tihrán ed., pp. 1-27).

(1) Doxology, and Dedication to the Ghúrid Prince Abu'l-Ḥasan 'Alí b. Mas'úd, son of Fakhru'd-Dín Mas'úd, brother of Shamsu'd-Dín Muḥammad, and nephew of “the World-consumer” (Jahán-súz) 'Alá'u'd-Dín Ḥusayn who reigned A.D. 1149-1170 (pp. 1-6).

(2) Beginning of the book. The author here gives his full name as Aḥmad b. 'Umar b. 'Alí an-Nidhámí as-Samarqandí, and states that he has been in the service of the House of Ghúr for forty-five years (pp. 6-7).

(3) Excursus i, on the different grades of Being, and the Creation and Disposition of the World (pp. 7-11).

(4) Excursus ii, on the Development of the Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal Kingdoms (pp. 11-14).

(5) Excursus iii, on the Evolution, Faculties, and Senses (internal and external) of Man; the three classes of men; and the Kingly and Prophetic Offices (pp. 14-26), including

(6) Anecdote i, on the Nasnás, or Wild Man (pp. 20-21), and ending with

(7) Plan of work and brief statement of contents (pp. 26-27).


Nature of the Secretarial Function and Qualifications of the Perfect Scribe (pp. 27-33).*

Anecdote ii, concerning Iskáfí (pp. 33-36).

Anecdote iii, on Iskáfí's despatch announcing the defeat of Mákán (pp. 36-40).

Anecdote iv, showing that a Secretary of State should not be exposed to domestic worry (pp. 40-42).

Anecdote v, concerning the Ṣáḥib Isma'íl ibn 'Abbád (pp. 42-43).

Anecdote vi, concerning Aḥmad Hasan of Maymand and the Lamghán deputies (pp. 43-46).

Anecdote vii, concerning al-Ma'mún's wedding (pp. 46-51).

Anecdote viii, concerning al-Mustarshid's oration against the Seljúqs (pp. 51-53).

Anecdote ix, concerning the Gúr Khán (pp. 53-54).

Anecdote x, concerning the supernatural eloquence of the Qur'án (pp. 54-55).

Anecdote xi, concerning Muḥammad b. 'Abdu'lláh, Bughrá Khán's secretary (pp. 55-59).


Nature of the Poetic Art, and Qualifications of the Expert Poet (pp. 59-69), including

Anecdote xii, concerning Aḥmad b. 'Abdu'lláh of Khujistán (pp. 59-61), and

List of the eminent poets who have shed lustre on the courts of the various Persian dynasties down to the author's time (pp. 62-64).

Anecdote xiii, concerning Rúdagí's skill in improvisation (pp. 69-76).

Anecdote xiv, concerning Maḥmúd and Ayáz, and 'Unṣurí's improvisation (pp. 76-79).

Anecdote xv, concerning Farrukhí's improvisation (pp. 79-87).

Anecdote xvi, concerning the author's early struggles, and Mu'izzí's counsel and encouragement (pp. 87-93).

Anecdote xvii, concerning the anger of Ṭughán Sháh and Azraqí's improvisation (pp. 93-95).

Anecdote xviii, concerning the imprisonment of Mas'úd-i-Sa'd-i-Salmán and others by Sulṭán Ibráhím (pp. 95-98).

Anecdote xix, concerning 'Am'aq and Rashídí (pp. 98-101).

Anecdote xx, concerning Firdawsí (pp. 101-109).

Anecdote xxi, autobiographical (pp. 109-113).


Nature of Astrology, and Qualifications of the Expert Astrologer (pp. 113-115).

Anecdote xxii, concerning Ya'qúb b. Isḥáq al-Kindí (pp. 115-118).

Anecdote xxiii, concerning Sulṭán Maḥmúd and Abú Rayḥán al-Bírúní (pp. 118-123).

Anecdote xxiv, concerning the skill possessed by an old woman in the author's service in the Lore of the Stars (pp. 123-125).

Anecdote xxv, concerning Maḥmúd Dá'údí, the crazy sooth­sayer (pp. 125-128).

Anecdote xxvi, concerning al-Mawṣilí, the Astrologer, and the Nidhámu'l-Mulk (pp. 128-130).

Anecdote xxvii, concerning 'Umar Khayyám's prediction as to his place of burial (pp. 130-131).

Anecdote xxviii, concerning a weather forecast made by 'Umar Khayyám (pp. 131-133).

Anecdote xxix, concerning a vagrant and irresponsible Astrologer (pp. 133-136).

Anecdote xxx, concerning a successful prognostication made by the author (pp. 136-138).


Nature of the Science and Art of Medicine, and Qualifications of the Physician (pp. 138-141).

Anecdote xxxi, concerning faith-healing (pp. 141-146), including a dissertation on the most excellent works on Medicine, and the pre-eminence of Avicenna.

Anecdote xxxii, concerning a heroic cure wrought by Bukht-Yishú' (pp. 146-147).

Anecdote xxxiii, concerning a remarkable cure of Rheumatism (pp. 147-149).

Anecdote xxxiv, concerning another remarkable cure effected by Muḥammad Zakariyyá ar-Rází by the instrumentality of mental emotion (pp. 149-154).

Anecdote xxxv, concerning the adventures and the skill of Avicenna (pp. 154-163).

Anecdote xxxvi, concerning a heroic cure wrought by 'Aḍudu'd-Dawla's physician Kámilu'ṣ-Ṣaná'at (pp. 163-165).

Anecdote xxxvii, concerning a remarkable cure of Melancholia effected by Avicenna (pp. 165-168).

Anecdote xxxviii, concerning the restoration to life of a man apparently dead by Adíb Isma'íl (pp. 168-169).

Anecdote xxxix, concerning the reproof addressed by a physician to a theologian whom he had saved from imminent death (pp. 169-170).

Anecdote xl, concerning a cure effected by Galen (pp. 170-171).

Anecdote xli, concerning a remarkable cure wrought by the author (pp. 171-173).

Conclusion (pp. 173-174).

Postscript by the editor of the Tihrán edition (pp. 174-176).