PART I. (continued).


THERE are various opinions about the death of Mûsa— u. w. b., etc.—but the musk-dropping pen will record that which is in the greatest conformity with the affairs of prophets. Chroniclers have related that when the time of Mûsa’s departure was drawing near, he commanded the census of the children of Esrâil to be taken again, and for a search to be made concerning any persons that had come with them from Egypt. Accordingly this matter was again investigated, but no one could be found of that number except Yoshua’ and Kalûb. This being reported to Mûsa, he assembled the descendants of the children of Esrâil, a great multitude, to whom he again expounded the Mosaic Law, and the contents of the two tables, elucidating the words by explanations, exhorting them to study the law, and enjoining them to teach it to their children. He appointed copyists for the purpose of writing it in books, and depositing it in archives. After that he wrote with his own most noble hand one copy, collated it with Jebrail, and entrusted the keeping thereof to the chiefs of the race of Harûn, to be preserved in the ark of the covenant. After the completion of the other books all were collated with the copy of Mûsa, and corrected in conformity there­with; they were distributed among the tribes, so that each of them obtained one copy. Mûsa convoked a great assembly of the people on the 7th of the month Adar, in which he appointed Yoshua’ to be his successor; and after recommending the children of Esrâil to the protection of God, he entrusted them to the care of Yoshua’, enjoin­ing him to take charge of all the affairs of the administra­tion, and advising the children of Esrâil to obey him. Then he said: ‘To-day, which is the 7th of the month Adar, I have attained the one-hundred-and-twentieth year of my age, and my end is approaching. I have appointed a servant of God, distinguished among you by his sincerity of purpose, to be my successor; and I have taken the Lord Most High, with the angels of heaven and earth, as witnesses in this matter. You are not to be cold and slack in following my advice; let not your faith decrease and become sluggish; allow no doubts to enter your minds in matters of religion; attribute no partner to the Lord of the majesty of unity, and implore help from no other god but from Him. Who­ever desires to become one of my companions on the day of the resurrection must keep my injunctions, love Yoshua’, and follow the precepts of other prophets to be sent after his time. I warn you to be on your guard, and not to disobey Elghâzâr and his children, who are the greatest Emâms of the nation; do not deny their authority, for you will incur the anger and vengeance of God.’ All the children of Esrâil accepted the last will of the Lord Mûsa, and bound themselves by written contracts to keep it. After Mûsa had terminated his last injunctions, he recom­mended the people to each other, took leave of them, grasped Yoshua’s hand, and went away with him from among the children of Esrâil. When they were at a considerable distance from the latter, a gentle breeze commenced to waft from the west, the effects whereof apprised Yoshua’ of Mûsa’s death; having once more embraced, and taken leave of Yoshua’, he vanished from among his garments:

Verses:Leave thy station in this place;
Fly joyfully out of this cage.
Rash one! thy heart’s abode is mire!
Blessed he who is from its connexion free!

When Mûsa disappeared, and left his garments in the arms of Yoshua’, the latter returned with a melancholy and sorrowful heart to the Esrâilites, and explained to them what had taken place, but the people accused him of having slain Mûsa. They appointed a committee for the purpose of establishing his guilt and of executing judgment. These men had, however, a dream in the night, in which an individual informed them that Yoshua’ was innocent of the death of Mûsa, and that the Most High—w. n. b. e.— had appointed him to the seat of righteousness. Therefore they apologized next morning to Yoshua’ and liberated him.