AND that is the serving God Almighty, by performing his commandments and the positive duties; and abstaining from hateful and forbidden things; by bowing the neck to the injunctions and prohibitions of God, and walking in the ordinances of His Eminence the Shelter of Prophecy. And it is certain that the worship of Almighty God is in this world a cause of happiness, and a means of salvation and glory in the next.

The fund of earthly happiness is devotion:
The ornament of future glory is devotion.

It is, therefore, right, that a King should adorn the page of his affairs with the writing of devotion, in order that the Supreme Lord may give him all that is suitable and profitable both here, and in the world to come; and he should consider obedience to God to be incumbent upon him in proportion to his authority. By day—he should occupy himself in the affairs of mankind; and by night—in his own concerns.

They have related that His Eminence Martazā Alī, (The Lord be well pleased with him!) in the time of his Succession, used to be engaged all day, in settling the weighty affairs of the people, and would be occupied all night, in devotion and submission to the Creator. They said to him, “Why, O Prince! dost thou entail all this trouble on thyself? neither is there any rest by day, nor any repose by night.” He replied, saying, “If I should rest by day, public business would go to ruin; and if I should take repose by night, my own state will be wretched in the Day of Judgment: and, therefore, I attend to public concerns by day; and devote myself to the service of God by night.”

One of the Sovereigns of Hirāt besought Shāh Sanjān, (May that which is hidden of him be sanctified!) to give him some piece of advice. The Shāh said: “If you wish for safety here, and glory hereafter, pour forth continually the complaint of your misery by night, in the presence of God; and turn constantly by day, in your palace to the cries of the wretched.”

Since the servants of God are all obedient to thee,
Do thou also perform thy service, and obey the Lord:
The King who hath bound up his loins in the service of God;
Mankind likewise gird themselves for his service.

And since the inclination of the people follows the inclination of the King; (for “The people are of the faith of their Princes;”) it follows that, whenever a King is dis­posed to obedience and devotion, the people also are zealous and willing in the same matter; and the blessings which follow their devotions, moreover, attach to his life and fortune.