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2 | <Arabic> the Kaimakam or vice-gerent in the ottoman empire. |
3 | vaulted with a dome,—the roof of the mouth, being hollow. |
6 | <Arabic> káf is a fabulous mountain, much celebrated in fairy tales in the east. |
<Arabic> segsár, an imaginary monster, with the head of a dog, face of a dragon, hair of a goat, and ears of an elephant. | |
7 | <Arabic> márpáyán is the plural of <Arabic> márpá, a species of serpent with the human head,—a poetical expression for ringlets, because they belong to the human head. |
10 | <Arabic> zeng-í bachah, ethiopian or negro boy, for beauty-spot. |
20 | <Arabic> Kalendar, or Colinder,—the name of a wandering tribe of mahometan devotees whose dress, for the most part, consists of skins of animals. |