From the literary point of view the period which we are now considering is, as we have seen, chiefly remarkable Poetry in the Mongol period for the quality and quantity of historical writers which it produced. That it was also rich in poetical talent cannot be disputed, but this is less remarkable, since at hardly any period was there a dearth of poets in Persia. Almost every well-educated Persian can produce moderately good verses on occasion, and it would be a hopeless and useless task even to mention all of those who, transcending the rank of mere versifiers, can fairly claim to be poets. Severe selection is necessary but not easy, for on the one hand due regard must be paid to the judgement of the poet's own countrymen, even when it does not entirely accord with our own; and on the other hand care must be taken not to overlook any poet of originality and talent merely because he has not found favour with the Persian biographers, who, especially in their treatment of contemporaries, are apt to be swayed by personal, political, and even religious prejudices and predilections.
In the period with which we are now dealing there lived at least a score of poets whose claims to consideration The two greatest poets who survived into this period, Jalálu'dDín Rúmí and Sa'dí, discussed in a previous volume cannot be denied. The two greatest by far were Jalálu'd-Dín Rúmí and Sa'dí of Shíráz, of whom the former died in 672/1273 at the age of 66, and the latter about 690/1291 at the very advanced age, as is generally asserted, of 110 lunar years. Both these poets, therefore, belong rather to the period preceding this, and have accordingly been already discussed in a previous volume, * to which the reader is referred. They might with equal justice have been included in this volume, which is the poorer for their omission, since their literary activity extended into the period which it covers, and both poets came into relations with some of its leading personages, Sa'dí with the Ṣáḥib-Díwán and his brother 'Alá'u'd-Dín of the great Juwayní family, and even with Abáqá Khán himself, * and Jalálu'd-Dín Rúmí with the unfortunate Parwána of Rúm, Mu'ínu'd-Dín, who was put to death by Abáqá for suspected complicity with the Egyptians in 675/1276-7. * It would be easy to devote many pages to each of them in this place without repeating anything that has been said before, but the difficulty is to limit rather than to extend the scope of this chapter, and, in spite of all temptations to the contrary, they must therefore be omitted here.
For similar reasons I shall content myself with a very
brief mention of three other poets of this time whom many
Omission of poets
who, though they
wrote in Persian,
were not of Persian race or residence
Persian students, especially such as have pursued
their studies in India, would place next
to the two great poets mentioned above; I mean
Amír Khusraw and Ḥasan of Dihlí and Badr-
The attention of those who read Urdú should be called to a very excellent modern book entitled Shi'ru'l-'Ajam
Note on a good modern Urdú work containing critical studies of Persian poets (“Poetry of the Persians”) by the late Shiblí Nu- Amír Khusraw, not less notable as a musician than as
a poet, was of Turkish race, his father Amír Sayfu'd-Dín
Brief account of
Amír Khusraw
Maḥmúd having fled before the Mongols from
the region of Balkh to India, where he finally
settled at Patyálí. There the poet was born in
651/1253. He was therefore seventy-one years old when
he died, and “lived to enjoy the favour of five successive
kings of Dihlí.” He was enormously productive; Dawlat-
Although, for the reasons given above, I do not propose to speak at length of Amír Khusraw, yet, in accordance with the well-known Arabic saying * of which the gist is that what cannot be fully included need not therefore be wholly omitted, I shall give here “for good luck and a blessing” (tayammunan wa tabarrukan) one short extract from his Laylá wa Majnún in which he mourns, with a remarkable touch of feeling, the death of his mother and younger brother, both of whom died in 698/1298-9. The poet's love for his mother, which is in strong contrast with his lack of appreciation of his daughter, is one of the most attractive features of his character.*
<text in Arabic script omitted> <text in Arabic script omitted>
Amír Khusraw's lament on his mother's death “A double radiance left my star this year:
Gone are my brother and my mother dear.
My two full moons have set and ceased to shine
In one short week through this ill luck of mine.
By double torture I am racked of Fate,
By double blow doth Heaven me prostrate.
Double my mourning, double my despair;
Alas that I this double grief must bear!
Two brands for one like me is't not a shame?
One fire's enough to set the stack aflame.
One breast a double burden should not bear,
One head of headaches cannot hold a pair.
Beneath the dust my mother lieth dead;
Is't strange if I cast dust upon my head?
Where art thou mother mine, in what strange place?
Canst thou not, mother, show me thy dear face?
From heart of earth come smiling forth once more,
And take compassion on my weeping sore!
Where'er in days gone by thy feet did fall
That place to me doth Paradise recall.
Thy being was the guardian of my soul,
The strong support which kept me safe and whole.
Whene'er those lips of thine to speech were stirred
Ever to my advantage was thy word.
To-day thy silence makes its dumb appeal,
And lo, my lips are closed as with a seal!”