Chungeez Khan, after taking Mawurunneher and despatching his sons to Khorezm, halted at Samurkund during the spring, and then moved on to Nukhsheb, and having fattened his horses in the meadows and pastures of the river Khooshgar, at the end of the summer advanced towards Turmuz, called also the city of Men,* to which place he despatched a messenger, requiring the people to submit to him. They, however, refused; and Chungeez Khan marched to Turmuz, and encamped at a place called Dubdubeh, and commenced the siege of that place. The people of Turmuz left no means untried to oppose the Moghools; but, after a siege of ten days, Chungeez Khan ordered a general assault, and the town was taken, and the walls and bastions thrown into the river Jihoon. It is related that the total destruction of the city and fort was effected by the Moghools in ten days.*
The Moghools, after taking the city, slaughtered the whole of the inhabitants, men, women, and children;* and then marched to Lungurut and Samana, which they treated in the same manner.