On 1st Isfandārmaẕ (about 15th February, 1602) the writer was sent to Nāsīk. When he waited upon the Prince (Daniel) and brought forward his wishes, they were not accepted and he desired me to chastise Rājū. I replied that I would not depart from orders, but that the jewel of the diadem of the Caliphate did not apply him­self to the work of administration, and that he left this to some avaricious, shortsighted people. How could work go on in this tur­moil of carelessness and envy? He understood this somewhat, and undertook to work himself. He gave a horse and a khilāt and sent me off there. At the first stage he honoured me by coming. He presented me with a special dagger, and a noted elephant. On the night of the 4th an inner* servant (of Akbar) died. He managed the treasury well, and H.M. had much confidence in him. On the 14th Gangādhar had an audience. He had been sent to give coun­sels to Sar Jeo, the zamīndār of Cāndā.* He received them and sent him back with 14 elephants. On the 25th Bahādur* K. came and did homage. On account of his refractoriness and the intrigues which he practised in the delivering up of Āsīr he was for a time placed in the fort of Gwālīyār. The great kindness of H.M. soon recalled him.